accountability what did you Thursday??
what a day you had!!
those coffees are yummy....but you are right calorie city!!!
have a good plan for the weekend....and continue to make right choices!
Thanks for the reminders, I have to get a new journal at borders today too!
Remember, nothing tastes as good as THIN feels!!
We've got no plans for today. I'll go out and mow before a week of rain starts tomorrow.. picked up some turkey burgers that I'll throw on the grill with some ff cheese tonight (and maybe lunch, too.. who knows).. hope to get some laundry and vacuming done, but we'll see. Just a quiet day around here.
1c oikos w/fibersure
salmon fillet
1c oikos
chicken and ff cheddar flatbread
new protein bar -- didn't care for it at all
1154 cals 27.5g fat 77.5g carbs 154.75g protein 18g fiber
30 min hardcore elliptical, and not much in lower body weights (free)
I figured out that I get a BP drop after doing squats using a davis bar (it's a bar in a track that you put weights on the end.. it's safer than just a normal bar and more versatile). I did my calf raises no problem.. go to do the squats and have issues after each set. I don't know if the machines have the same effect.. I'll find out tomorrow and rework my weights accordingly (it's time to rework them anyway).
Late posting again but I didnt' get home till 10pm last night!! First time I didn't have to rush home for some reason it was so nice to have some relaxing time ~ I went shopping looking for sneakers for DH & shoes for the wedding I'm going to on Saturday. No luck for either but I did score some $5 t-shirts for DH and a shirt for me. Because of my non-routine my eating was a little out of whack but I think I did okay.
B: coffee
S: Kashi pumpkin/flax granola bar
L: 3oz boneless chicken 1/2 c. brocolli slaw
S: atkins chocolate chip peanut granola bar DD toasted almond skim/cream
D: OM Ostrich beef stick from GNC ~ yup it's Ostrich meat high protein!!
S: 3oz chicken 1/2 c. brocolli slaw glass of wine
S: 1/2 c. Edy's triple chocolate nsa w/ PB2
Only did about 48 oz of water so I really need to work on that.
1154 calories
81 protein
36 fat
100 carb (atkins bar had 21g!!!)
nice stephanie. I wonder if you might benefit from adding a few protein shakes to your day. Remember we don't absorb all the protein we eat. You don't want to lose muscle mass. Just a thought. Good luck finding those sneakers!
Remember, nothing tastes as good as THIN feels!!
I didn't make great choices all day--struggled after work especially... I kept repeating over and over that I wasn't hungry--just tired--but I had a few snacks anyway...
Detour Protein Bar180 6 16 15
Almonds, NFS 102 9 3 4
Pistachio nuts, roasted, salted170 14 8 6
Cucumber pickles, dill6 0 1 0
Turkey ham, sliced99 3 1 16
Cheese, Provolone100 8 1 7
Lettuce, raw 1 0 0 0
Bread, whole wheat, 100%60 1 11 2
Colby Jack Cubes 110 9 1 6
M&M's 120 5 17 1
Chicken, breast211 5 0 40
Mixed vegetables43 0 9 2
Alcoholic beverage, wine, table, red148 0 4 0
Popcorn, air-popped120 3 26 4
Cheese, cottage, lowfat, 2% milkfat113 3 8 14
Totals 1583 65 107 118
you know, I find that when I don't take my three protein shakes a day I have major hungries. I like y ou try to watch carefully, and perhaps if you add one or two a day you will see a difference. Also, remember, we cannot eat all the protein we need....and even if we could our body will just not absorb it all, we have a malabsorptive surgery! Try the shakes, and let me know if that helps!!
Remember, nothing tastes as good as THIN feels!!