Today, a friend of mine called me a mad scientist (I thought it was funny) because I am always in the medical journals and books learning as much as I can about obesity and the body biochemistry. Well, with a two month test trail with me as the test subject (I have lost 10-12lbs and 4% BF) and about 2000 hours of reading every journal relating to the effects foods have on the body, I can proudly say I have done it!!!!!!
Many of my friends are following my Wagon Plan but now I have to add to this plan and fill in the gaps.
Let's get started!
Obesity - Is a state where the body is storing excess calories due to the many irregulars like unstable blood sugars, lack of exercise, too many calories consumed in one sitting, and neurotransmitters that release the hormones Dopamine and Seratonine. The CEO's that runs the body are The Brain, The Pancreas, The Thyroid, and The Liver. Let's learn their roles and why they are important.
The Brain - The brain's main fuel is glucose which can come from carbohydrates, proteins, or fats. The body converts carbohydrates quicker into blood glocose and prefer this source of energy to fuel the brain. Proteins are the second form of energy that can be converted into glucose and will be converted once glucose levels are deminished. The body breaks protein (Muscles) down for energy before the last energy source which is fats. Fat is the last energy source (Ketones) that the body will break down into glucose if glucose levels are diminished, and muscle glycogen levels are low. Brain food is important and the sources where the body gets it from is important.
The Pancreas- This little busy bee main function is to detect how much insulin is needed in order to regulate sugars and bring them into normal ranges. When we eat anything, the pancreas will release insulin. The pancreas also releases another hormone called glucogen. Glucogen is a hormone secreted by the pancreas when blood sugars are low. This forces the liver to take stored glycogen from fat cells and convert it into glucose in order to fuel the body (When you sleep and finally wake up, the body is flowing with glucogen, this is why you feel lighter and tighter in the morning, you are basically burning fat).
The Infamous Thyroid- Look at this little buddy as the engineer for the body. It's main function is to regulate your metabolism. It can tell if you are getting too much energy or not enough and will adjust your metabolism accordingly. Everyone has heard of the body BMR (Basel Metabolic Rate), well this little guy is the only one that speaks it's language and speaks it fluently.
The Liver - Ahhh, now we get down to the nitty gritty! The liver is the welcome center or reception center for all broken down foods. The liver distributes glucose to areas that need it, and will direct the pancreas to release insulin in order to bring blood sugar down (High Blood Sugars) or release glucogen in order to bring blood sugar up (Low Blood Sugars). Look at the liver as the great communicator for the brain, the Vice President to the President.
Now that we have all the players on the ball field, let's get down to work.
Diet Myths:
You all probaly heard this before, but low carbohydrate diets do not supply the body with enough energy to keep things running efficiently. Although the dieter will lose weight (Muscle and water first, fat second), the Thyroid detects low levels of glucose and will modify the dieters metabolism to meet it's daily energy requirements (Lower Metabolism). The body takes about 2-3 weeks to actually switch over to burning ketones for fuel, before this process converted fully, the body has loss a substantial amount of water and muscle tissue (The illusion of weight loss). After about a 2 months the body is now running soley on ketones and the dieters BMR has dropped again. Why? As your body depends solely on fats, the hormone Seratonine is secreted from the brain which gives the dieter the feeling of satisfaction. When this happen, less foods are being consumed and the Thyroid again detects a shortage of energy (fats), and modifies the dieters metabolism again (Lower Metabolism) in order to meet it's energy needs.
Now the dieter is running on a BMR that is around 1000-1300 calories a day and once the dieter breaks from their low carbohydrate fad and starts introducing carbohyrates back into their diets (Usually simple sugars), the bodies BMR is so low, the body begins to store excess glucose. The dieter is now returning to the world of obesity at lightening speeds. Bodybuilding have cutting and bulking periods. When they are cutting, they are eating lean proteins but they are also eating fiberous carbs and once or twice a week, they carb load on simple sugars. But we are not bodybuilders and their nutrition plan will take about 3 days to explain (Sorry, my fingers are getting tired).
The myth that low carb diets will cause weight loss is true, but what many of these low carbers fail to mention is their uncontrollable desire to eat carbs (especially simple carbs), the fogginess syndrome, lack of memory, bad breath and body odor (They can't smell it but everyone else can), the muscle loss, and mood swings. All this to lose weight? I don't think so.
There is only one secret to losing weight.... and that is by CALORIE DEFICIT. The problem with dieters attempting to lose weight is they can't fight the urges to overeat and gorge down sugary products. Let's study what happens inside the body when people are overeating at every meal.
We are ALWAYS in a low blood sugar state, it is our responsiblity to eat something that will bring our blood sugars up enough to normal ranges and not spill over into the high levels. When we stay coasting just above the low blood sugar range, the liver will tell the pancreas to release glucogen. This hormone tells fat cells to give up a little stored glycogen in order to balance out energy needs (Slow and steady fat loss). Blood sugars remain in normal ranges and never spike which puts our body in fat storage mode. Look at it as if you brought too much furniture for your home, where is the most likely place you will put all this excess furniture (Storage)? High blood sugars tells the body to put any glucose not needed for energy into fat cells. When the dieter continues to overeat at every meal, blood sugars are off the chart and the pancreas is always producing insulin (Fat storage hormone) instead of glucogen (Fat burning hormone). How can we control this?
We can control this simply by balancing the energy going in. With a combination of staying within your BMR and balancing carbohydrates to proteins, fat loss will be body's primary goal. Let's get to it!
Like I said earlier, we are ALWAYS in a state of low blood sugar (This is why you get hungry). People who eat 30-60 minutes after just eating a huge meal from McDonalds are having a spike which causes the body to crash very fast (Low blood sugars) causing them to eat more in order to bring sugars back into normal ranges. Well, since they are imbalanced, they overeat again and the process repeats, can you guess how many lbs this dieter will gain in a year of this yo-yo effect?
Since we are ALWAYS in a state of low blood sugar, the best we can do is keep the production of glucogen high and insulin low and no a low carb diet is not the answer. So, what is the answer?
Diabetics use a system called carb counting (I use this also). 1 serving of carbs is 15g, and 2 servings is 30g. For each serving of carbs, you must include 7g of protein in order to balance blood sugars and keep glucogen production high. I never eat more than 30g of carbs a meal (Simple of Complex) and I balance these meals out with 7-14g of protein and some fats. Look at it lilke Black Friday at the shopping malls. When the door opens, people fly in at super speeds (This is insulin when too many carbs are eaten at one serving), but let's but some obstacles infront of the people, and let's see how many people can rush into the store then (This is what protein and fats do). Because we are ALWAYS in a low blood sugar state, we need to eat just enough foods to provide the body with what it needs. A couple of hours later, sugars are borderline low and we again provide the body with what it needs (5-6 small meals). While all this is happening, glucogen is being secreted from the pancreas which tells fat cells to release a little bit of stored fats in order to make up for any lack of glucose the dieter did not provide during the feeding. This process repeats itself every meal, everyday, every week, every month (The net result is weight loss safely and steady).
What can I eat?
Anything you like! That's right... ANYTHING! You have to learn how to balance your energy source. Here are the rules.
For every 15g of carbohydrates in a meal, eat a minimum of 7g or protein. For every 30g of carbohydrates in a meal, eat a minimun of 14g of protein. DO NOT EXCEED MORE THAN 30G OF CARBOHYDRATES A MEAL! This is very crucial because we want our bodies to stay just above low blood sugar levels in order to keep the production of glucogen high. You can eat 5-6-7-8 x a day as long as you do not eat over your BMR (Basel Metabolic Rate).
I know there is going to be someone out there that will say "WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE SIMPLE CARBS? MY DOCTOR TOLD ME TO EAT COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES ONLY!"
Well, to answer this question, eat only complex carbohydrates if you want, just balance them with protein and don't eat over your BMR. No big deal.
Another question is: "What about fruits and veggies?"
I say, eat them too but becareful with fruits and only eat about 1/2 c of fruits at a time (The pancreas will detect the fructose and release insulin, although fructose is stored in the liver and not the bloodstream, the imbalance effect the fruit will cause 30-60 minutes later will cause the dieter to overeat.). If fruits are consumed, balance them with protein or eat them after a workout. Why after a workout?
When the body is depleted of glucose and the second source from the muscles (glycogen) is also depleted, the body will turn off any fat storage signals in order to replenish glycogen levels in the muscles and then blood glucose. While this is happening the dieter can eat a considerable amount of carbohydrates (simple carbs) without the fear of storing fat (The window is 90-180 minutes). So, I eat fruit and granola bars after I work out.
Can I have cookies, cakes, pies, on this plan?
Sure, why not? If the carbohydrate intake is less than 30g and balanced with 14g of protein or greater, the effects of insulin is minimum and you will remain in normal blood ranges. You have to tell yourself that if I have a half of a hershey bar and a glass of milk (balanced carb:protein), that I can have the other half later (Approximately 2-3 hours). The body takes about 2 hours to break foods down to glucose, any additional foods ingested during this process will cause fat storage.
Water: Can't say it enough... drink water in between meals (approximately 20oz). I know water sucks but you have to get hydrated stop the body from retaining water. DO NOT DRINK SWEET DRINKS in between meal, only drink these drinks with meals and they need to be balanced! This sucks for some but if you want apple juice that contains 40g of carbs for 16oz, you are going to have to drink 8 oz with some protein until another 2 hours past, then drink the other half with some protein (Do not play with fire here because any excess glucose created from the apple juice will be stored as fat if you decide the other half is not going to hurt you before the 2 hour window is over).
Well now that you know how your body operates, let's sum it up!
Since we are always in a low blood sugar state, we need to provide the body with enough energy to satisfy our energy needs.
Too many carbs (Greater than 30g) a meal will cause a spike of insulin putting our bodies in fat storage mode.
Glucogen tells the fat cells to help out with any energy deficiency and keeps the body in fat burning mode.
The pancreas will continue to pump insulin in the bloodstream in order to regulate blood sugar day in and day out which causes obesity, cravings, hunger, diabetes, hypoglycemia, and other nasty little things.
Eating 7g of protein to 15g of carbs at every meal or a maximum of 30g of Carbs with 14g of protein or greater will keep blood sugars normal.
The only way to lose weight is by creating a calorie deficit. Know your BMR and decrease it by 400-500 calories. This is safe and will cause your body to lose 1-2 lbs a week.
Eat 5-7x a day (Mini meals) in order to keep your blood sugars normal and the production of insulin limited.
Eat anything you want! (The body will turn anything you eat into glucose, it is just the excess glucose production which causes the dieter to store fats). By controlling how insulin is produce, eating a small meal like a 1/2 cheeseburger at one serving and the other half 2 hours later is no difference than eating a salad that contains the same number of macronutrients as the cheeseburger. The body will turn both of these meals into glucose, if the cheeseburger contains less than 30g of carbs and balanced with 14g of protein or greater, the effect insulin has on your blood sugars are low and the body can return to producing glucogen (fat burning hormone).
This is it. My mad scientist research! The more information we have about how our bodies work, the better we are in the long run! Let's keep losing the pounds!
Your Friend