Day 3 of 5DPT
today was good. i still got my protein shakes in ..ive had well over 80oz of fluids and i did have cottage cheese, oatmeal, chicken, pudding and jello stayed on track..feeling good and holding steady with no carb cravings.
i have TOM this week as well, even with that, i feel pretty good..not as much weight loss as i saw the first go around, but i suspect that's from all the fluid retention are you other 5DPT'ers doingggg???????? DRINKKKINGGGG?? hehe
Hi Dawn. Doing fine here. It was nice to have scrambled eggs w/a bit of cheese for breakfast! Went out for a long period of time today...took some protein drink w/me, but since I spilled about half of it getting it into the bottle, by the time I got home I was ravenous! So instead of something really bad I had 1C sf ff greek yogurt w/a handful of blueberries. I really felt that my blood sugar had plummeted, so I'm fine w/having eaten the berries.
then I made the tuna patties...delish. After that I had a couple of puddings...they seem to be saving me...stupid, I forgot I could have had cottege cheese. Oh well, still a good day. Definately got in all my water.
have a good night,
(OH!! Thank GOODNESS.... IT IS Day 3...)
so lets see..... do i have to feel guilty about eating what i ate today?? nah... maybe al little... i had plenty of protein shakes & a nice bike ride to the office... but i think it was the lumpia that kinda ... i dunno - killed it for me! maybe just a little (lol). oh well - my net calories are good - & tomorrow is another day. Next week - better yet - is another week! & another chance to do much better on the 5dpt. (MAN i want some cookie dough right now though...)