Accountability - Monday

Not the Same Dawn
on 7/1/08 5:47 am - BEE EFF EEE, CA

Oh yeah...I remember the young adult stage. That's why we are chomping at the bit to get this last one OUTA HERE...sigh. He'll be here till he's 30, I'm afraid.  Actually, the district should slow down but, sadly that's not the way it works...Because all the 11 and 10 month employees (at the school sites) went home for a month or two, nothing that we send there actually gets to anyone and we can't get proof that they received stuff to pay the bills. The vendors get mad cuz we won't pay for things without proof that it was received. The schools go home and forget to approve stuff. it's a GAWDAWFUL mess around here in the summer. Alot of stuff gets messed up during the summer months that takes till Christmas to clear up next year. Do you heat up that instant coffee with the chocolate protein powder and soy milk? That sounds really interesting..

Yikes. 6 ounces of chicken? that sounds like a LOT..but you probably do like I do and take an hour to eat that much.

ooo. your numbers are awesome..Even with the bread..LOL.

Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
.Anita R.
on 7/1/08 6:16 am - Stafford, VA
ICK!!! (On the fiscal fiasco!)  Oh what a mess! LOL   Oh that's right...that wedding is coming up soon isn't it? Yep for lunch...I had a big ole piece of chicken breast...But I did kinda eat it in a long sitting that took more than 15 minutes...I had a long phone call after i ate about 2 oz...I was still hiungry so that enabled me to eat the whole thing!  But I took it easy after that...I was starving for lunch for some reason! Of course after that I didn't even want dinner...I can easily eat 5 oz of chicken with no skin (and not much else)...but I usually weigh it out to 3 or 4 oz and eat more veggies to keep my calories down...It all depends on what's for dinner...I usually have a mental plan of my meals for two or three days in advance...but lately I just haven't had the time to focus on me...Things should be back to normal now...I hope!  I haven't even weighed myself in two weeks!  My belly looks nice and flat though...So I'm hoping I lost those two pounds...We'll see... Yeah...I nuke the water for one minute...dump in a tsp of Classico (mexican) Tasters Choice (It's got a rich dark flavor...yum)  Two scoops of choco or vanilla protein (i change it up now and then) and chilled soymilk and whip it to heck with a high powered... Cuisinart Quick Prep mixer (If you don't whip it, it's chunky)  This makes an gorgeous foam topped cup of yummy coffee and I start every day with 31 g's of protein!  Keeps me going all morning with no snacks...til lunch...If you don't have something to whip it with...Mix the protein in cold soy or milk first...then add hot coffee... I've totally cut out cereals this way and get in my needed protein this way...Without it, I could never make my protein numbers...I miss my steel cut oats and hot cereals, but I couldn't afford the extra carbs when i was anemic and could not exercise! I had to cut carbs and cals and get more protein.... So I had to lose the carbs...This was a GREAT way to cut back to a lean high protein breakfast...It stuck...I'm totally addicted...It's my breakfast EVERYDAY!
Not the Same Dawn
on 7/1/08 11:31 am - BEE EFF EEE, CA
That's exactly how I manage to eat 4 or 5 ounces of meat and a veggie too...I eat a couple of ounces and then rest..Keeps me eating slower and enjoying more. I do that when I eat out with friends too. Everyone eats and talks and we don't eat fast. Takes us an hour to eat and gab.  I add protein to my oatmeal for the same reason. I noticed early out that cereal is mostly carbs and no protein to speak of even with milk...Just not worth it..BUT if I add TVP (12) or protein powder (20)to my oatmeal...My breakfast can be from 26 to 32 grams of protein depending on what I toss in there..But the heat is the issue with me. Expecting a 115+ degree day and hot cereal isn't going to work. I want to try the chocolate protein coffee...I think I'll do that tomorrow and see how I like it. I need to find a shaker container so I can do this when we go on vacation too (camping). I'm thinking the soy milk and the protein and then coffee added but not too hot. The protein you use, is it soy? Does it ever curdle when you add the hot stuff? Yeah, Holly's wedding is in October.
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
.Anita R.
on 7/2/08 2:03 am - Stafford, VA
I made a mistake on the instant coffee I use....It's Nescafe Classico...but I think Nestle also makes Tasters Choice too...I dunno where my brain is sometimes...Anyway...I can't use pure whey protein...It totally kills me.  I even have to be careful what protein bars I use especially if I am out and about and grab one on the go...I have ended up in the back seat of my car for two hours from protein bars!  Sometimes it's too much whey and too much sugar...Or too much whey and too much of the wrong kind of fake sweetener...Or sometimes, it's sugar alcohols and whey!  LOL  Needless to say, I have to be careful and pay close attention to my pouch for signs of distress when I try a new protein of any kind....It sucks!  So I use EAS Whey-Soy Isolate Blend. I have only found it at Costco...But it is about the only protein that I LOVE and it loves me back!  LOL  I LOVE muscle milk, but can only handle half a serving...It says lactose free, but  it KILLS me as good as it actually tastes.  I used it in my coffee this morn and it's just too sweet and chocolately for everyday.  (Took a probiotc with it so hopefully it won't attack me)   Whey will curdle in hot liquid...The EAS doesn't curdle, but it does get dry lumps if it's not whipped good...I tried making it at my cabin (forgot to bring my hand blender) And I could not shake the lumps out.  So if you have a good protein that shakes out well in cold, do that first and add hot coffee slowly and it should work out fine....If not...Cold coffee tastes great too...I use room temp coffee often....I haven't tried making it cold and then heating it up...I don't know much about whey and heat....I just experiement with everything...Have fun on your camping trip...Tonight or tomorrow I'm heading to my cabin out there off Robert E Lee's Plantation (which is still owned by the Lee family) for a LONG weekened....  There is NOTHING out there for miles (just a few rivah folk and farmer veggie stands)....just like I love it...
Not the Same Dawn
on 7/2/08 5:21 am - BEE EFF EEE, CA
I've got soy protein powder. I found that I can cook with it better (cuz of the clumping issues with whey) so i use that alot. I have two kinds of instant coffee (three if you count decaf) that would be folgers (decaf and regular) and I bought some Mexican Instant Espresso (when i really want a caffeine fix..)  I figure ho****er in the coffee (just alittle ho****er) enough to make it blended and then cold water and then the protein powder and soy milk..mmm. I can just about taste it now.  I LOVE history. camping near Robert E Lee's Plantation would be awesome..
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Neen L.
on 7/1/08 4:58 am - Arlington, VA
Late, but here's yesterday's damage:

Kashi Go Lean Chocolate Caramel Protein Bar

Snack: 15 baby carrots

Lunch: Bowl of tomato soup with a small scoop of light ricotta added for extra protein. Two small fat free pretzels.

Dinner: 3oz. roast chicken and 1/2 cup cheesy mashed cauliflower.

Snack: More cauliflower. Seriously, it's that good.

Caloric intake was a little low, but I felt pretty good for most of the day. Probably the copious amounts of water I drank.

Long-term post-ops with regain struggles, click here to see some steps for getting back on track (without the 5-day pouch fad or liquid diet):

Always cooking at!

Need a pick-me-up? Read this:

Not the Same Dawn
on 7/1/08 5:36 am - BEE EFF EEE, CA
Actually, your list is awesome..I can't tell what numbers you'd come up with the bit looks good. I love to add ricotta to things to up the protein.  Good job!
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
on 7/1/08 11:40 am - colchester, CT

Hello Dawn, I just wanted to let you know that I am taking a sabatical from the accountability forum for a while. I am jus****ching the scale and trying not to obsess too much about my food. So far things are going well. Dropped a pound this week. Not to say I don't obsess about anything I am  obsessing about my upcoming surgery which is July 16th. I have been hanging out at the plastic surgery board soaking up all the info I can to be ready for my abdominoplasty/panniculectomy/hernia repairs/and bilateral mastopexies. That is one mouthful.

I have been dropping in to read how everyone is doing and it looks like everyone is doing great. If my weight starts to increase at all I am sure I will be back to the accountability posting which has been such a help, so thanks for taking it over for Carla, and for both of you for spending so much time answering everyones posts and offering encouragement.


Not the Same Dawn
on 7/1/08 12:09 pm - BEE EFF EEE, CA
It's really nice of you to check in and let us know. At least now if I don't see you for a couple days I won't worry...We all know what a mess I was when Carla didnt' show for a few days. . I haven't heard from her but expect she'll check in when life gets less crazy for her. Good luck on the ps this month..You better share pictures later on... While you're doing that, I'll be on vacation driving to Montana. I'm scared to death about not having my journaling available..I may have to take a notebook with me. LOL. I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
on 7/2/08 11:11 am - colchester, CT

I don't know about any photos, I will have to really think about that, I saw the ones they took to submit to the insurance company...... well ..... pretty  bad. I don't know if any will be taken by the surgeon.

Have a great trip to Montana. I have a few cousins who live somewhere over there.


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