Carb intake--Let's take a vote!

on 6/30/08 5:35 am
OK! so I am SOOOOO not knowing what to do about my carb intake. I hear low carb low carb low carb. I myself have lost weight staying under 20 carbs..but only last a few days at that. I hear 60 grams of carbs is good, but I've also heard stay under 100. THEN I saw a personal trainer today and she said to eat 50% of my calories from carbs!! WHAT THE _____?  There is SO much contradiction.

SO I wanna hear YOUR vote!  What is YOUR take on carbs. Whether you "eat right" or not please define what "eat right" is for YOU.

My surgeons office never stressed the term "low carb" but the "rules" were protein first, then vegitables, a little bit of fruit, and starches (carbs basically) three times a week. What were YOU told?

Discussion is Open!

Thanks, Leslee

Before/Lowest/Current/Goal  I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!


Miss Liss
on 6/30/08 5:56 am

Basically it depends on the carbs.  Not all carbs are created equal.  There are simple carbs and then there are the complex carbs.  The complex carbs that are in fruits, veggies, whole wheat, etc are actually good for us and don't have the negative impact on blood sugars that the simple carbs do.  The simple carbs would be like chips, crackers, white bread, anything processed or refined or enriched in the ingredients.  Carbs are actually necessary for our bodies to function properly.  You just have to make sure you are eating the right ones.  My nutritionists doesn't believe in cutting out food groups to extremes.  More harm than good according to her in the long run.   I, personally just try and stay away from the junk carbs and try to eat veggies, fruits, and whole grains and whole wheat to get my carbs in for the day.  And when I eat carbs, I always have some protein with them.  That way my blood sugars stay more level keeping me from getting hungry.   Melissa

Mireille R.
on 7/17/08 5:53 am - Ottawa, Canada
Right on.......!!!!!!excellent answer and  
very ..very ...very... true
on 6/30/08 6:09 am
Melissa, gave you a great explanation.  I hear people say often we should have 100 grams of complex carbs per day.  I don't and one reason is if I eat my protein first then carbs (complex) I cannot eat that much.  100 grams of complex carbs is allot. What I do is try to keep my protein at 50% of my intake, carbs 25-30%, fats same as carbs.  Of course, it has to equal 100% (clarified so someone doesn't go duh). I am watching my intake right now and reigning in my carb fest so my total carbs and what seems to work best for me is below 50 per day. I don't work out like you gals do and in order to get the good workouts it is important to keep your carbs in a higher range.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


Carolyn L.
on 6/30/08 6:10 am - Northborough, MA
I don't usually pay TOO much attention - As long as I'm getting enough protein I do fine, but the times I track I'm usually around 100gms.
243 /222      /135    /135 /125  

Tracy B
on 6/30/08 6:16 am - Erie, PA
Ok, I stick to the "good" complex carbs from things like fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc. and I do allow myself some milk daily b/c I still drink NSA CIB 1/2 milk, 1/2 water and due to constipation problems, I do eat Fiber One cereal quit often.  Looking back at my last 2wks on thedailyplate my average daily intake is around 150gms daily w/ a protein being at 80+ daily. I'm not saying everyone should have an intake this high, but as we've disscussed already, with my workouts I need the carbs to burn as fuel, so you can't compare my intake to some that works out a little or not at all.  My surgeon never said low carb to me, just push protein first and then allow fruits/veggies, whole grains, etc. I don't eat alot of strachy things~rarely eat bread, potatoes and can't stand pasta anymore. My diet consists of alot of chicken breast, deli chicken, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, salad, tuna, eggs, lean meats and I do enjoy Supreme protein bars from time to time, but make a special allotment for them in my daily intake b/c they are kinda high in calories or I'll just eat half b/c they're big and call it a day.  I hope this helps!! Like I said in my early response to you, its SO much trial and error! Everyone is different, everyone's needs are different and you have to work at it to find the right balance for you!!! Good Luck!!!!!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

on 6/30/08 7:28 am - Topeka, KS
Hi Leslee, I try to limit my carbs.  My surgeon hasn't said anything about it, but I know that if I eat lots of carbs I don't eat enough protein.  It is just a healthier choice for me.  I don't have a limit that I stay below, I just try to limit the amount of carbs I eat. 

Diät-Ticker - Sichtbar abnehmen
Revised from Band to RNY February 6, 2008
on 6/30/08 7:39 am - Lumberton, MS
I dont try and count either.  I know which is the good carbs and which are the bad.  IE chips bad bad bad, some kinda fruit good good good.  although if i have the choice in front of me i will go for the chips.  lol lol  go figure.  That is why IF I buy crap like that I buy the stuff I dont like.  lol lol  pathetic isnt it.  My vote is to make carbs a good thing all of them!  IF ONLY lol lol  Sorry I am NO help or offer no good advice.  lol Denise
on 6/30/08 7:56 am - mesa, AZ
Leslie   Does your trainer understand your a WLS person and how important  protein is over carbs ?? Sounds like you need to school that trainer...  3 - 1 ratio   3 protein , 1 carb  ----   go for  low glycemic  foods !!!   they stay with you better.  Better yet call Cassie and ask her ...   she is always straight up  with pts
on 6/30/08 8:51 am
Oh yeah! I remember now! they said "three bites protein to one bite pretty much anything else" ok, I used quotes and those might not be their actual words, but you made me remember teh 3-1 rule. Thanks. YEP, I'll tell my trainer, I believe I even have a paper that tells that for me. Cool, thanks!

Before/Lowest/Current/Goal  I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!


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