the sequel to my last post-
Well that's just it, I have no clue really what to do about the carbs. I had a dr tell me once that I was "carbohydrate intolerant". But I have NO clue how he came to that conclusion, no tests or anything were done that I remember, I was just VERY overweight. He had me cut way back on carbs and that is when I first tried atkins, the weight came off SO fast. It was like a switch had been turned on. But I just went to a personal trainer today and she wants 50% of my calories to come from Carbs.. .FIFTY PERCENT? She actually wanted 60% But I basically told her I wasn't open to that, lol. So! I don't know what to do... But pretty sure I'm not going to up my carbs that much.. maybe not do the atkins induction of 20 carbs or less...but maybe keep it around 60 carbs... even diabetics are only allowed like what, 90 carbs? 30 a meal? 15 for a snack.... What is PCOS?
Before/Lowest/Current/Goal I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!
Hi Again!!! PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and is the cause of large weight gains for women that suffer from it. I was diagnosed with this a few years before having wls and had to go on glucophage (metformin), the same med they use for diabetes and a very low carb diet. It helped a little bit, but nothing drastic here, so I went ahead with wls and have not suffered the effects of pcos since.
I have to agree with your trainer on keeping the carbs a little higher if you're going to workout heavily. I do cardio 6-7days per week and weight train 3x's per week so I need the fuel to burn in my workouts. I see you decided to at least give it a try and if nothing else, you can always cut back on your carbs if you're not seeing the results you want. It can be frustrating b/c its SO much trial and error!!!!!
You just keep doing all the good things you've been doing and I'm SURE that you'll see results soon!!!!!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Hey Girl!
You are amazing! You are doing great! You prove it every time that even when you want to quit...You just don't! That's just wonderful! I just wanted to say that I have to agree with Melissa and Tracy about the carbs. 20 carbs is not really a reasonable amount for workouts at all! Carbs are fuel! You cant get anywhere fast with no fuel! You will lose all of your energy and consequently, confidence if you cut carbs back that low. Just try to stick with complex carbs...But you really do need some...Carbs are not the enemy per say...Sugar and high gylcemic foods are.
Moderation is a slower path, but it is steady and true...Trusted and reliable...Those fast paced , deprivation diets never work in the long run...Getting somewhere fast is good for business and deadlines...Life, should be lived slowly and savored...Weight loss will never move as fast as newly post op...It's a day at a time...a mistake at a time too....You have already made some awesome strides towards helping yourself become healthy...So don't put too much on yourself...You'll burn out faster with all that you try so hard to do...Give yourself a break and try slowing it down a little and giving all the stuff you've already done, time to work! You are just a ball of fire girl! I have no doubt you'll see results...But try to remember too, that what you do, should be reasonable for a life time...This way you make good habits and not old demands on yourself that are just too hard to maintain...Anyway it's just my opinion...and I just want to see you stay healthy and succeed, because you are so worth it and deserve it for all the effort you put into it!
ok ok ok I'm being talked out of the NO carb mindset...and man that will be SO much easier! and I agree with "Moderation is a slower path, but it is steady and true...Trusted and reliable..." That's something I need to remember.
Before/Lowest/Current/Goal I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!