Important question HELPPP
Does anyone know if Nexium intereferes with surgery.. My appointment with my Dr isnt again until Monday and I am having surgery on Turesday ...Late Fri my tummu started acting up and i need to take my Nexium again ....I wasnt when I did my preop last week as all was ok with it then..
Has anyone on Nexium ran across this and were you told to stop taking prior to surgery. I read somewhere that it interferes with blood thinners they give surgery patients ..
Thanks Calling my Dr office is a joke by the time i hear back I will be headed to surgery I inagine as they are slow response ... Office staff i mean , he is a great DR
If you can't call the doc you might to call the hospital or pharmacy and ask them.
Sorry I can't be of more help.
Good Luck,
4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" Dr. Seuss
I was told that we would never have acid , reflux etc again after the RNY.. I am very confused because although i havent been scoped , this feels just like the reflux from long ago. I am 5 years out but have seem to have the burning and uncomfirtable in pit of stomach.
My regular DR gave me Nexium which calms it right down after about 2-3 days and as long as i take that i am ok...
Anyone else with RNY have this .. I am worried though regarding surgery on Tuesday as to whether I suffer through or take the Nexium..
You're only two days away? I would call a pharmacy or hositpal...but when in doubt do without? I don't know, I wouldn't risk it, if you can handle it. I'm currently experience reflux as we speak as I've been out of my nexium for about 4 days, so headed to the store in a few hours for it! Mine never went away after surgery, I don't know that it has anything to do with acid in stomach as we supposededly have almost no acid after surgery, so I wonder if there's something else wrong. I should get scoped and find out. I'm not a professional, but if it were me, I would just "suffer through" for two more days.
Good luck!
Before/Lowest/Current/Goal I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!
were you transected?
I only know of two reasons why yu might feel acid in your esophagus. Mine was at 5 yrs, also, but I was done in the dark ages, so had a staple line disruption. If you were done lap, not likely to happen. Could have a fistula, but usually ppl get wt gain when the "partition" between stomachs is compromised.
The other one would be if the two "arms" of your Y are connected too high, close to the pouch. Also, I'm thinking that might have showed up sooner.
I only know of two reasons why yu might feel acid in your esophagus. Mine was at 5 yrs, also, but I was done in the dark ages, so had a staple line disruption. If you were done lap, not likely to happen. Could have a fistula, but usually ppl get wt gain when the "partition" between stomachs is compromised.
The other one would be if the two "arms" of your Y are connected too high, close to the pouch. Also, I'm thinking that might have showed up sooner.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
I can't give you a medical diagnosis, of course. BUt if you have had peace and quiet for 5 yrs and now don't, you gotta get a medical eyeball in there to see what's up.
That is precisely how I knew my staple line was gone. I had no acid at all and then suddenly, one afternoon, fire breathing dragon again! I pulled over to a convenience store, bought all the chalky coating they had on the shelf, drank it down, rolled around on the back seat to try to coat everything fast. LOL
Called my doc and said, "It's my turn" and he just groaned. They didn't transect til 96 and I'm 94. I think he was still hoping those of us who'd made it as far as 99 would remain intact. Nope.
Anyway, most of the time since our WLS, we have not had insurance that would pay for anything. Just not available to small companies in our state. BUT his company had just been gobbled up by a mega corp. All bad news, eXCEPT right then we had fabulous insurance, so I got it fixed and doc office lost my papers, so I had 4 months to build myself nutritionally. REvisions have more risk, so I worked to minimize the risk back to at least normal.
And indeed, if my body got along with anesthesia better, it would've been a non-event. I even told my doc I was so protein & ironed up that we could do it as a drive thru one day in the office. LOL Um, no. They prefer you asleep for that. Prolly just because I....... talk. LOL
But I was lucky in having already seen a few hundred of us go thru it, so I didn't want any of their issues, so I was taking a ton of protein (supps) and vites to build for it. Also, the protein put out the fire. YOW
That is precisely how I knew my staple line was gone. I had no acid at all and then suddenly, one afternoon, fire breathing dragon again! I pulled over to a convenience store, bought all the chalky coating they had on the shelf, drank it down, rolled around on the back seat to try to coat everything fast. LOL
Called my doc and said, "It's my turn" and he just groaned. They didn't transect til 96 and I'm 94. I think he was still hoping those of us who'd made it as far as 99 would remain intact. Nope.
Anyway, most of the time since our WLS, we have not had insurance that would pay for anything. Just not available to small companies in our state. BUT his company had just been gobbled up by a mega corp. All bad news, eXCEPT right then we had fabulous insurance, so I got it fixed and doc office lost my papers, so I had 4 months to build myself nutritionally. REvisions have more risk, so I worked to minimize the risk back to at least normal.
And indeed, if my body got along with anesthesia better, it would've been a non-event. I even told my doc I was so protein & ironed up that we could do it as a drive thru one day in the office. LOL Um, no. They prefer you asleep for that. Prolly just because I....... talk. LOL
But I was lucky in having already seen a few hundred of us go thru it, so I didn't want any of their issues, so I was taking a ton of protein (supps) and vites to build for it. Also, the protein put out the fire. YOW
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.