When you need quick support text me (personal information inside)
I don't know that it's the BEST idea to post my phone number on the internet, but it's advertised all over arizona and the internet for my business..so I figure it's fine.
I've gotten to know many of you, and would love to get to know more of you. If at ANYTIME (seriously day or night) you need support, or just want to say hey what's up, or share something great that happened on your wls journey, or need to say "stop me I'm about to eat a cookie" or whatever. Please text me.. this helps me too.. the more involved I can be with people "like us" the stronger it makes me. The more I am involved with this site the better I am doing. But I can't always be at my computer (however I am a lot of the day). So feel free to call or text me. I respond quickly to texts, I may not answer my phone, but if you leave a message I'll call you back.
Leslee 480-228-5623
Before/Lowest/Current/Goal I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!
Thank you, I got like no responses on the thread of that post, but several personal emails thanking me for it.. I just felt passionate at that particular time about everything I said..and my fingers kind of ran away with my mind! So thank you.
Before/Lowest/Current/Goal I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!
Lesless~Great idea!!! I think more of us should "branch out" to this sort of thing (if you are comfortable with it, of course!!)
My mother passed away very unexpectedly in February. Been struggling with some emotional eating...actually up about 5 lbs. My time for "mourning" eating is over, so I am going to put your number in my phone and when those cookies or goldfish call my name, I'll be calling yours!!!
Thanks so much for being a life line......................