5 PDT folks
We officially leave here on the 15th of July. We'll be going to Monterey, CA. Hubby will work on his Masters degree. We'll only be there for 18 mos. In Sept. we'll find out where we go next. I hope it's back into the Air Force world. We're currently in the Army world and his school is on a Navy base. I've already been told the 'restroom' is called 'the head'. It took me 2yrs to learn "Army Speak". Now i have to learn a new language! lol
Off to bed.
Here it is. I have nothing but good things to say about it. I feel in control. Not concerned about carbs; candy and crackers for me. I have even been cleaning up the kitchen and put both away and have not been tempted. Now, I am not crazy, I know I will be in the future. But, I think I get this thing:) Look it up and be prepared before you begin, is my advice. Best to you. http://www.5daypouchtest.com/ Teach
I am glad to hear that you got rid of the carb craving. If you need something to guide you, keep you on target now that you are back, here is a great plan done by Bariatric Eating. It's Susan Maria's Basic Bariatric Eating Plan. I have molded my own daily routine from this plan and it works great for me.
This plan breaks down the different portions and even suggestions on the amount of protein and calories with each one. It also breaks down the vitamin taking times for those who may need suggestions.