2 Year appt - interesting...
So, I had my 2 year followup yesterday. I went in a little upset because I've gained 10 lbs since my last (18 month) appt. I was all set with my excuses and my plans to lose it. I had actually gained 15 and have lost 5.
Dr Gaz walks in an the first thing he says is "I'm so glad to see you've gained a little weight back! You were getting too skinny before." He laughed when my jaw dropped and he informed me that he expects me to be this same weight next year - no lower!
I'm not quite sure how to take it. I am more comfortable now than I was in Dec and feel healthier, but somehow I feel like I should get back down.
Dr Gaz & I talked about it for a while and we compromised. I'm 'allowed' to up my workouts and get more toned IF I eat enough to sustain my weight. Speaking of which, I need to hop on my bike and rise 8 miles from work to the Y so I can lift with my trainer. I guess that means more dinner!!
If you feel healthier and your doctor thinks you are a good weight that is just great for you. I know it is scarry for us to have any weight gain and this whole life change takes some getting use to and adjustments to make along the way.
Sounds like you are really into exercise, I wish I could get that motivated. You have to be a calorie burning machine.
Glad things are going well for you.
Hi Carolyn,
Just want to congratulate you on a job well done!!! If your doctor is happy, I believes that is a good thing. I think you should just learn how to maintain the weight that you already lost, because that is the hardest thing I think for any of us to do. Just take one day at a time. Remember tomorrow is not promised to any of us, be greatful for what you have accomplished.
I can so relate to what you're saying. I will be 2 years out in August. When I see pictures of myself, I hate the way I look. I'm mashed in and look like a scarecrow. I've actually got bones sticking out the sides of where my boobs used to be. But if I gain a couple of pounds, I get them right back off, even though I know I'd look better if I put on a few (maybe 10 pounds). I guess it's all those years of SMO that scares me to death, 10 pounds can become a couple hundred pounds in no time. Like you, I enjoy my workouts and I love the extra energy and fitness, so I'm not about to back off on that. Of all the problems I thought I'd have before I get to heaven, I never thought I'd have to worry about being too skinny, did you?
Carolyn, I understand. My dr was the same way. I perfer 150, but he feels the 156-159 is better for me and would even like me to be at a stable 165, but that's pushing it for me, LOL! I too have been working out pretty hard and have had to up my food intake a bit to compensate. That's one of the things that I love about thedailyplate.com b/c when I enter my workout, it changes the ## of calories that I should be eating for the day so I don't even have to think about it or try to figure it out myself, the computer does all the work!!! Anyway, Congraulations on a great 2yr check up!!!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"