**CAUTION** Word to the wise

Miss Candace
on 6/25/08 4:20 am, edited 6/25/08 6:13 am - San Jose, CA
Ok so this is something that a coworker mentioned to me yesterday & its been on my mind to share w/ the rest of you ever since. He knows that im doing this 5DPT thing ("liquid diet") & expresses disapproval (thinking its not a healthy way to lose weight & that its not sustainable). He also expresses his concern in hopes that i 1) wont be discouraged & disappointed when i go back on solids & inevitably regain the weight 2) ... what was #2 again... ?? see - im turning stupid-er by the minute here... there was something else he was OH OH!! got it ... 2) that I wont complete over do it & binge on solids (like say - over the weekend) when I do go back on solids. I simply see it as his being concerned for my welfare. he just cares & doesnt want me to fail or be disappointed IF i should.  That said, seriously, i think these are real & valid concerns that everyone who participates in the 5DPT should take into consideration & be mindful of. We dont want to binge on solids & reverse the progress made during the 5dpt. We've worked so hard to get here, lets NOT undo all of that progress. I can tell you right now - pizza sounds HELLA GOOD!! & today being free lunch at the office day (we're having Mexican, Una Mas) - its going to be really hard for me to turn that down. But in sitting here, while eating breakfast (yogurt) I noticed something.... im 1/2 way done w/ the yogurt & im FULL! It took a concious effort to notice that & put the yogurt aside. So, this 5dpt thing is working. In addition - I dont know how many of you are "pimped" by your scale - but that bad boy haunts me daily. I never have been able to resist the urge to step on it to see my progress since the GBS. So - this morning i got on it - & it said 211. I started this out at 220 (ok - we'll say 218) - but this morning i was 211!!!  So ya, Im pumped, going strong & im gonna make this work. I am committed to repeating/extending this 5dpt for as long as necessary until i reach my goal! Best -  Candace

The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.     

Not the Same Dawn
on 6/25/08 5:05 am - BEE EFF EEE, CA
I know exactly what you are trying to say...No amount of correcting them is going to get them to understand. I doubt telling him it's just for 5 stupid days would do anything to ease his mind. I mean I did the liquid diet too for weeks on end. I did the non-fat diet for months. He's right about it not being sustainable but this isn't meant to be sustained but for FIVE DAYS... Some people. Just smile and say thanks for your concern, my doctor and I are working this through together.
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Donna K.
on 6/25/08 6:27 am - ME
I like that come back and will remember it for all of those "concerned" people in my life! Thanks!!
Peace & Love, Donna K.
Miss Candace
on 6/25/08 6:15 am - San Jose, CA
The smell of UnaMas mexican food was overwhelming - so i took my own advice & got my tail outside for a walk. Havent done that in a while!! I covered about 2 - 2.5 miles in a half an hour. I feel pretty good that i was able to do a 15min. mile. Obesity

The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.     

on 6/25/08 6:30 am - Lumberton, MS
Candace YOU ROCK!  You are doing so good.  He would not understand no matter how much talking you did.  Like the previous posted said this a 5 day diet.  Yeah we all worry about what we gonna do on that 6th day.  And guess what at some time we ALL fall off the wagon but the difference is getting right back on and correcting the problems before they get out of hand again. Keep up the good work! Denise 
Miss Candace
on 6/25/08 6:58 am - San Jose, CA
Right on - Thanks for the encouraging words Denise :)

The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.     

on 6/25/08 6:42 am
Well I have a few thoughts. And they contradict each other. ha! But that's me! One big contradiction! I tend to be a personality of extremes, so the 5dpt REALLY "spoke" to me, and I REALLy wanted to do it.. but like MOST extremes I involve myself in, I didn't last. But I will try one extreme after another after another after another.. I mean I've spent my life being on a new diet every couple of days! So when i did the 5dpt and "goofed up" at 11pm on the fist day I was like "there I go again..failing" And it disapointed me so much that I did exactly what the "concerned" guy said.. and I binged for at LEAST a day and a half, and felt like giving up trying to lose weight EVER again. Then since I kept coming on here, I read about a girl who was kind of "extreme" about weighing/tracking her calories..etc..it was her "obsession" in a sense. And I thought "hmm maybe I could get a little "obsessed" with tracking and stuff. So I thoguth what if I truly just did what my mom always told me to do, and keep a diary of my food...WHAT IF I just tried to "eat healthy and exercise".. I mean SERIOUSLY I've never really done that, it's ALWAYS been one "fad" diet after another. Meal replacements, Atkins (which can be a way of life but I tried to maintain the 2 week extreme induction, never lasting more then a couple days,..weight off weight on, weight off, weight on). I've tried all raw, all this, all that.. so when i heard of the five day pouch test it had me written all over it! But I'm learning for me I don't know that it's the best thing... it's a challenge ENOUGH to try to eat "normal" (a healthy normal).. I've never really done that. So.. THAt became my 'extreme' challenge, to 'eat right and exercise'. But I want to lose 10 lbs in 5 days!!@ this "two pounds a week" thing is so not desirable!! But I thought I'd give it a try anyway. Well, since I can't help but be extreme I try to keep my calories under 1000 and burn 1000 calories of working out. Usually I end up eating around 1400 (but AIMING for 900 at least I don't go WAY over a decent limit) and if I TRY to burn 1,000 calories, I do good to burn around 500. If that makes sense. Anyway, bottom line is, I've lost 5 lbs in 3 days just "eating right and exercising (a lot)" I WANT to do the 5dpt and I am so amazed with those of you who can do it! If you can do it.. then DO it.. and jus****ch the transition....make a plan BEFORE the 6th day of how you will continue.. maybe it will be stick with day 5 only add in some vegitables and carbs can be allowed 3 times a week..or something and gradually bring it back to something sustainable. A part of me wants now to do the 5dpt just to DO it! Anyway, I'm rambling but I think if it's working for you and you can fade it back into a "normal" way of eating, then I think it's awesome...and there are going to be people ALL over that are "concerned" about they way you choose to "diet" or "not diet" or whatever.  GOOD LUCK TO YOU! Leslee

Before/Lowest/Current/Goal  I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!


on 6/25/08 10:50 am - Monterey, Korea (South)
Leslee, I am one of those "obsessed" people. Seriously. I also have an addictive personality. Some say they go hand-in-hand. Anyhow, when I decided to do the 5 dpt I went straight to Fitday.com and began tracking everything I put into my mouth. Just as i did after surgery. I carry a small notepad in my purse so if I'm out, I can jot down any food I have eaten. When I get home I enter the info. In my case, being obsessed works for me. I think this obsession is much better than yelling at my 17yr old because while he put groceries away, he didn't face the labels outward! The horror! Or yelling at my husband because he put towels in the closet backwards and they weren't arranged by color. LOL Yes, I am a challenge to live with! I feel it is this obsession that has helped me continue on. After the 5dpt I honestly doubt I will stop tracking the foods I eat. It's become a ritual and ppl like me need rituals. I will also continue to measure my food out before putting it on my plate. Bex
Miss Candace
on 6/25/08 10:57 am - San Jose, CA
Now thers a good idea - tracking what we eat on fitday.com! i did that for a quick second before i started the 5dpt & havent done it since. I really dont understand it & was thrown off by the pie chart (no pun intended LOL).

The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.     

on 6/25/08 11:16 am
You know this is all so interesting.  In the past I tracked everything from diet to diet.  Weighed 5 times in one morning; before the shower/after the shower, with clothes/without clothes - you get it.  I wrote everthing down and tracked weight.  I decided not to do any of that stuff after WLS.  For me, I know what I need to eat and not eat.  I was freaking out on the charts and writing, I just did not do it at all after surgery.  I could not tell you how much I lost the first month or anything like that.  I did weigh, and still do, and just keep track in my head that it was going down.  I was tired of obsessing.  Now, so far, this way has worked for me.  It might not always.  I am also concerned that the 5DPT is another fad.  You know we can't eat/drink for the rest of our lives.  But, I do think it is a way of detoxing and may be something that I need to do from time to time.  I bet it would work for anyone that had trouble with carbs, huh?  Also, remember before surgery when you could get eating done correctly and your stomach seemed to 'shrink?' 
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