Pork Skins
Diet and nutrition are too complex to think only in terms of carbs. I like to make fun of Atikins dieters by saying "Gee, I'm eating bag after bag of Pork Rinds and I'm just not losing any weight." AS IF carb grams were the only thing that matters. Maybe some sour cream dip with those pork skins would do the trick? If you're trying to lose weight, you will need to eat less and excercise more. The problem will be in finding foods, while living the statement, that maintain satiety.
Sad fact is: what would you rather eat: 1oz of pork rinds or 4 CUPS of Strawberries?. Do strawberries have carbs and sugar? Yes. Do pork rinds have Vitamin C, fiber, or potassium? Don't think so.
I guess if the 5DPT works for some then great but the idea that you can do something for 5 days and then "get back to normal" is a recipe for disaster. If you do what you've always done, you will get what you always got. The key would be to use the 5 days to learn some [better] life long habits.