Vote for my Baby please
Our local radio station is having a cutest baby contest. So I entered Janielyn. Can I ask ya'll to please go vote for her? You go to Click on Baby Idol 2008. I think there are like 64 entries. Her pictures is on page 61 I think. You have to scroll through each baby picture until the end. Then all the baby pictures will come up. On this last page I think her picture is like the 4 or 5th in line. You click on the circle by her name and click vote now at the bottom after you enter a valid email add. It will send an email to that email add (to make sure it is valid) you go to your email and click on the link it sends you to verfiy your vote. We sure would apprecaite all the votes we can get. She is in her camo outfit with daddy's army hat turned backwards with Pigott on the hat. Listed by her picture it will say Janielyn from Lumberton. Thanks in advance! Denise