Day 2 on the 5DPT

Miss Candace
on 6/24/08 12:54 am - San Jose, CA
Happy Tuesday Morning to all! I made some changes to my profile & finally (after what... 5 yrs) figured out how to add a photo to my profile so it shows up when i post.  BayBaby here aka Miss Candace :) For those of us who are doing the 5dpt this week - how was your day 1 yesterday? Its funny, i was so exhausted during the day yesterday, but couldnt sleep last night.  & OMG THE GAS IS KILLING ME! I'll need ot take a beno (or 2) today. The urge to CHEW is sooooo strong & at times is overwhelming. To get through it, i had 3 dry roasted peanuts (but spit them out).  Dinner last night consisted of 2 cups of line & strawberry SF/FF jello, some SF/FF lemon pudding, a "LIGHT" peach yogurt (then i thought, hmm.... maybe im not suppose to have yogurt yet  - guidence would be good here), & 2 cups of hot tea.  I whipped up the bases of a pumpkin protein shake for today. It has 1 can of pure pumpkin, cinnomin, pumpkin spice, nutmeg, LACTOS FREE milk, about 1/2c of splenda & i plan on adding the protein powder when i get to the office (since thats where it is). You think thats OK?? i hope so, b/c ive planned it as the cornerstone meal for today. I woke up hungry this morning - at least, it didnt take my stomach long to start grumbling. Strangely enough... im thinking about extending days 1 & 2 of the 5dpt. thinking, maybe i can go a week like this?? also - this is day 5 for me w/o a cig. im asking myself WHY did i choose to do all of this at the same time & the only thing i can come up with is that im ...a glutten for punishment... or perhaps on some deeper level, im setting myself up for failure. Anyways, congrats to those of you who've made it through day 1 of the 5dpt & are not facing day 2. Im right there with you. Best!

The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.     

on 6/24/08 1:29 am - Lumberton, MS
Day 2 for me also.  I did sf ff jello and pudding yesterday although I did not do a yogurt.  I think that is ok.  Sounds like you need way more protein shakes in though.  I had 5 yeasterday and 2 so far this am.  and you have to drink tons and tons of water.  I had 80 ozs yesterday i think.  I did fall off the wagon and have a pear last night and I have had a stick of cheese this am.  But I think that is better than a hersey kiss. hee hee.  I had a headache most of the day yesterday and have a bit of one today already.  Prob carb withdrawel.  I am week 2 of some smokes.  Good luck to us both on that one.  Cause if I could smoke right now I dont think I would have near the head hunger lol lol  Watch out eating stuff and then spitting it out.  Although you only did 3 peanuts that is the beginning of eating disorder.  I know sounds stupid but I had a friend that did that right after wls she would chew things to get the taste and then spit it out and before she new it it got out of control.  Best of luck to you.  I think someone starts a daily post for us every am around here so look for that each am.   Denise 
Miss Candace
on 6/24/08 3:00 am - San Jose, CA

Agreed - i do have to drink more water. not including the teas - i think i had about 30oz of plain water :(. i have water - almost as much as i hate the vits. I also had a headache for most of the day yesterday & do think it was withdrawl symptom. this morning - Im trying to down coffee w/ protein & its simply way too thick to get through the drinking spout!! not only that, but its clumpy at the top of the coffee. Any suggestions??

The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.     

on 6/24/08 3:12 am - Lumberton, MS
Yuck I would have a hard time with that to.  Lumpy coffee.  lollol Maybe if you put in a blender or if you had one of those bullett thingys it would help mix the protein powder up better.  I just make my slim fast shakes at night and bring to work with me.  I use the van or choc optima low sug high protein ones.  Usually my fav though is sf carnation intst breakfast just ahve not been able to find those.   Denise
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