Holy Headache! Day 2-5DPT
I've had a headache and been nauseous since I woke up this morning. I just now took some Tylenol so hopefully hopefully the headache will subside soon. I didn't want to take anything and let this discomfort help sink in what carbs are doing to me! Kinda masochistic huh??
Other than that, I'm doing great. I'm so grateful I've been able to stay out of the carbs. I'm not hungry I think because I'm getting enough protein. The soups on the 5DPT website are so delicious I don't feel at all deprived. I made black bean soup today - YUMMY!
I'm looking forward to tuna and egg salads tomorrow. I'm also looking forward to trying out LOTS of Egg Face's recipes. What a genius that woman is!!
Peace & Love, Donna K.
Oh, Donna,
Hope you are feeling better soon!!! I am also on day 2. It does feel like we have a sense of empowerment, doesn't it? I was just getting that feeling that I needed something so I ate some sugarfree cheesecake pudding made with skim milk. I am going to make my hubby a hamb on the grill, not something that I want, and some soup for me. Tomorrow will be great. I am going to hard boil some eggs right now so that I will be ready for the day:) So, does EggFace have some 5DPT recipes?
I don't know if she has 5DPT recipes but probably many would be "legal." I'm just looking forward to being able to eat delicious, low carb food and not feel deprived!
It does feel empowering doing the pouch test. And I'm gonna see if I can find cheesecake jello. That sounds really good!
Peace & Love, Donna K.
I had a headache last night but have been lucky today. Actually kinda was gettin one this am but it went away. But I was nauseated this am to. But thank goodness that also went away. OMG I can not wait to eat some tuna tomorrow to. YUM egg salad did not think of that I am gonna make some of that to. I am gonna make that egg bake to for supper. I had chilli again at lunch with cheese in it. Good luck to us all day 3 here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!