I'm really disappointed

on 6/24/08 11:14 pm - north of boston.., MA
shall i hit the f5 key make more hits and less responses?
ba haaaaaaaaaaa

I am a QUNT from Quix! and proud of it!

on 6/25/08 12:28 am - Lumberton, MS
Sorry for the melt down yesterday Joann.  I realize it was stupid now.  Thanks for showing me not to take things so seriously.  That 5dpt just got me all wrapped up.  NOT that that is an excuse.   Sorry again Denise
on 6/25/08 12:19 am - Lumberton, MS
Patty, I did not make those responses in quick order on purpose sorry if it was taken that way.  I have gotten such great support from this board and again will say I am sorry for even saying anything.  It is NO excuse but this 5dpt had me truly at a weak moment and i am truly sorry I offended some with saying aynthing that I did.  I have in the past done lurking and found out that sometimes just saying a few things does tend to help so I have made an honest effort to pretty much respond to everything I pull up to read.  Not gonna say I do it to everyone cause Some titles tend to bring you in just cause you are curious.  Sorry again that I offended.  I am much better today with those 2 days behind me.   Denise
Andrea U.
on 6/24/08 11:09 pm - Wilson, NC
Denise.. this is not the preggie board.  People are not as quick to provide support on other boards. Have you ever gone to a post and just read it without posting?  Sure you have.  And thus, based on your own statements above, you are just as guilty.  The only difference this time is that you wanted results. I'm currently on vacation.  I'm getting a short time on the pc while waiting around.  It does not mean I have ample time to respond to posts.  Sides, as a mom, you know that our time is very precious.  I also have little patience for some things I see and if I *were* to post, people wouldn't like the results very much. So just remember.. not everyone is perfect, not everyone lives up to your expectations, and to ***** about it is pretty unsettling.
on 6/25/08 12:16 am - Lumberton, MS
Andreau, You are so right in everything you say.  But I have truly made an effort to do better about this myself.  As we have crossed the prob on the pg board before although it was more serious matters!!!!!  I'll just learn to keep my mouth shut next time.  I dont expect HALF the response of lookers but I just find it funny when you see so many views compared to responces.  PLUS I was having a weak moment yesterday and IF we are not allowed that then being on any board prob just isnt for me.  lol lol  AGAIN I am sorry that or if I offended and will not say anything else about it! Thanks Denise
on 6/24/08 11:50 pm - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hello, on this site ,everywhere , everyday ... there are many posts that go without anyone responding to them. You are not alone. This is the way it is. People lurk and don't read sometimes. When I was a newbie, thats ALL i ever did, was read , read, read, and reseach all the posts on this site! So I can learn about my WLS. and to be honest with you... I didn't have to even JOIN Obesityhelp.com! People get busy. People read at work or just too shy to post or whatever their excuse's might be for not posting. Although , i do have to tell you that  and I have to be honest with you as well ........complaining like this will not get you the positive answers and support that you are looking for. Have alittle more patiences and realize that people are going to post back to you somedays..... and sometimes , you'll get a quick responds right away. This message board is sometimes very.... very ...slow.... you'll lucky to get a responds right away. So with that said , try posting the same post over on the MAIN message board , if you have a question that you really want to get answered right away. There are more eyes looking over there , then here. I usually hang out on the main board , so ...I hope to see you around on the main board as well. take care! Good luck. See ya around on the boards :-) Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

on 6/25/08 12:21 am - Lumberton, MS
Your right Lizzy.  Sometimes If you need that quick answer posting in several places will do the job.  this damn 5dpt had me at my lowest yesterday NOT that that is an excuse what so ever!  I am sorry I even posted that reponse.  Thanks Denise
on 6/25/08 12:15 am - KY
Denise, I don't respond to or even read the many posts about the 5 day diet. I have tried it twice and failed at it twice. It just sets off the "binge" trigger in me. While I am appreciative of the fact that for many it is helpful I have never before posted my opinion of it because in the long run--who really cares what I think about it?  I mean--we all have to do what works best for us and our bodies can be complicated beasts. It appears to me that there are TONS of responses and support amongst the forum members for the 5 day diet...in fact as I wade through them I have often wondered if it doesn't merit its own forum site.
on 6/25/08 12:23 am - Lumberton, MS
I agree the 5dpt needs it's own forum.  It is something very hard to follow no matter how hard you try.  and the first 2 days is the worse.  NOT that that is an excuse for my post.  Sorry about my melt down. Denise
Tracy B
on 6/26/08 2:00 am - Erie, PA
Hi Denise. I didn't see your post b/c I wasn't  on at all yesterday, but don't take it personally. It seems like everyone has that happen b/c people look, don't have anything to say, might stop back later to see what responses you got, etc. On another board I'm on (much smaller one) I used to get upset by that and think "hey, who looked but didn't care enough to respond?" and it would hurt my feelings, but I got over it. And, I have a personal rule for myself that if I can't respond in a positive way or don't have anything nice to say, then I will not respond b/c flaming posts just get everyone upset and angry. Anyway, don't give up on us b/c we're a pretty great group of people!!!!!!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

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