Carb Question...X-post
I was just doing my dailyplate count and realized that the protein bar I was planning for my afternoon snack has 22g of this bad?? The label says 22g carbs (10 fiber, 1 sugar, 0 sugar alcholo). I'm a dumby when it comes to the carb thing. I know fruit/veggies have good carbs (except potatoes, peas & corn) but other than that I have not clue. I need the calories and protein from the bar (Atkins Advantage Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar 240cal/19g protein/11gfat). Thank you for any assistance.
This is coming from a non-expert, but this is what I think. You're allowed to subtract your fiber grams from the carb grams, so your protein bar really has 12 net grams of carbs. The sugar content is excellent. I try to stay at 5 grams or less. Most of the bars I eat have more net carbs than your protein bar. I think you'd be OK having it for a little snack.
I would ask a few questions to come up with an answer...
*are you at your weight goal?
*how often do you eat protein bars?
*are you using this as a meal replacement?
*can you fit it into today's caloric intake?
If at goal, and you don't eat them often (as in not everyday), and you are using as a meal replacement, I say ok it looks fine. Its got 11 net carbs, and only 1 sugar, 19 proteins. I think it looks pretty good.
I still walk cautiously around protein bars. They are tricky especially for those who want to continue losing weight quickly.
To answer your questions in order:
I'm about 15 pounds below goal
I eat protein bars every day but not this particular one ~ I have several to chose from that I alternate
I use the protein bars as an afternoon snack
I do fit them into my caloric intake of 1000 calories a day.
I didn't know about the net carb thing so I guess I'm okay. My Nut. says not to worry about carbs but I do as I know they aren't all good.
Thank you.
Alright. Then you are set to go!
I looked on your signature for your weight stats but did not see any. Thats why the questions because sometimes I forget that not everyone is at the same place as me... I forget to see if they are newly postops, preops, 6 mos, at goal, etc. And, depending on where a person is, that might change my answer! lol
Thank you everyone for your responses...I feel better about eating those protein bars. I bought a big box when they were on sale at GNC so I have a bunch of them. I use protein bars for my afternoon snack & have about 8 different varieties that I alternate. All range from 140 cals to 240 cals and 10 g protein to 19 g protein and the carb level is all different too. I've just started really watching the carbs. I should have watched them from the beginning but didn't. Guess I didn't really need to as my loss is good. Thanx again!