5 DPT week of 6/23/08

on 6/22/08 4:43 pm - Monterey, Korea (South)
Hello All! Happy Monday to you. Today was my first day on the 5 dpt and I've done very well. I'm quite proud of myself. I've stuck to the protein, vitamins, water, and exercise ritual. At lunchtime I felt the urge to nibble so I popped a couple Tic Tacs into my mouth and rolled them around. After a few minutes I chomped them into dust and swallowed. I figured two little Tic Tacs wouldn't hurt. Besides, it helped take away my urge to chew. After that I hopped on my Gazelle and exercised for 31 minutes (every minute counts! LOL). I'll be making dinner for the family in about an hour. I am going to make something they like but I don't. I won't get tempted to eat that way. I may go outside for a walk or take a hot bubble bath while they eat. Good luck to you all! Bex
Donna K.
on 6/22/08 8:47 pm - ME
Congratulations Bex!! Good luck to everyone else today. WE CAN DO IT!!!
Peace & Love, Donna K.
on 6/22/08 10:52 pm
Bex, Wishing you lots of luck . I am starting mine today and so far a protein shake and my morning vitamins. Good luck to all who start. Let's keep each other motivated. Malinda
on 6/22/08 10:59 pm - Lumberton, MS
I'm with ya'll.  I just had my coffee so gonna wait 30 min and have my first shake.  I did 8oz skim milk with vanilla optima low sug high protein slim fast.  I added frozen strawberries with strasberry flavoring.  I hope that was ok.  lol lol  I also brought tomato soup, sf ff jello pudding.  hoping I can make it through the day.  I am making homemade chilli tonight (no-beans).  I know I can do this.  I HAVE TO!!!!!!! Best of luck to all of us.  I also plan on doing some walking today.   Denise  
on 6/23/08 12:45 am - Monterey, Korea (South)
Yes, WE CAN DO THIS!! I found that if I keep busy it helps. Right now we're in the process of moving so I am a crazy woman. My mind is thinking of a million things to do and my hands have been busy crocheting, cleaning, and typing. It's mind over matter, right?? :-) Bex
on 6/23/08 5:31 am

Looks like we have a team going here:)  I to and starting today, on my birthday of all days!  It has been a great day so far.  I just purchased items to make the ham and cheese soup.  Boy, does that sound like cheating or what?  Will check in tomorrow.  I wish the best to all!

Donna K.
on 6/23/08 5:39 am - ME
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! This is a great gift to yourself!
Peace & Love, Donna K.
Miss Candace
on 6/23/08 5:44 am - San Jose, CA
Greetings & Happy Monday to you as well. Ive also decided to do the 5dpt starting today. its 12:40pm pst & ive had 2 cups of coffee, 2 cups of beef broth (thinging cup of noodles is all we have here at the office, so straining the food from it & drink the broth wouldnt be bad) & an isopure. ive had a b12 & a 1/2 of my multi-vit intake for the day & honestly, i want to go to sleep. right now. its really becoming more & more difficult to keep my eyes open in fact. i dont seem to be able to funcction properly here at the office - cant keep up w/ emails yada yada. any suggestions?? Good luck to the rest of you who are doing the 5dpt this week. together, we can do this!!
on 6/23/08 6:22 am
Drink some protein, quick:)
Miss Candace
on 6/23/08 10:26 am - San Jose, CA
Day 1 of the 5dpt is almost done.  Ive had 2 cups of coffee, a bottle of isopure, 20 oz of water, 2 cups of tea, 2 cups of beef broth, & a 20oz. protein shake w/ FF milk, 4 oz of blue berry yogurt & 3/4 cup of protein powder (LMAO!!!). Yes - Im thinking that the 1/2 cup scoop in the protein powder canister was WAY too big!! but at least i got in hell aprotein today. I havent been "hungry" per say, but i have wanted to CHEW.  i did have 3 dry roasted peanuts - hopefulyl that wont distort my "results" too much (what if i chew chew chew them & then spit them out??) All in all - ive made it through day 1 OK i think. Going to try & keep busy at home. Im looking forward to the jello at home & will be going to bed early tonight (to avoid the bordism - wanting to smoke & snack cravings). Think i'll double up on the B12 though. maybe that'll help w/ the fatigue.
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