Happy dance
Well family is gone. Son's HS graduation was wonderful and through it all I didn't gain anything. I was so worried. Like some of you have said earlier it's hard to sit with a lot of people and eat. I do it at work but I really don't talk alot. And at home I really watch things. So being around the old habits was a challenge. But I survived. But oh it was so very hard.
Thanks for letting me share.
GOOD JOB...Wish I could say I was as lucky...I got another week or so of company...but they are camping this weekend and I'll be swimming and eating fish!!!!...My favorite exercise/ summer fun and lean meal.. Hopefully I'll lose my extra two pounds of company weight before they come back and bring cookies and stuff again! I need a vacation from my kids vacation with me!
Seriously...Good job! It is sooooo hard.