O.K Confession, what would you do? Optimaly.

on 6/19/08 10:49 am
ha! LOVED your reponse! lol I have two little puppy maltese dogs. I fed one like a table of bacon grease once mixed in his food and about killed the poor little thing! so I'm very wary of giving them human food at all! It's such a great idea! Four dogs? ugh.. totally a subject for a different forum, but man how did you get them potty trained?!! And how long did it take?!

Before/Lowest/Current/Goal  I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!


Not the Same Dawn
on 6/19/08 11:14 pm - BEE EFF EEE, CA
Actually, two of them are basically outside dogs. Lucy isn't even our dog. Our dog had her as a puppy and she actually belongs to our neighbor but he's gone all day so she comes to our house to hang out. I call her my "granddog". Coco is an outside dog. Australian Shepherd. She won't even come in the house unless I go out, hook the leash and DRAG her in. Candy was an adopted Beagle who was chained up out in a small yard. At our house she's got hundred's of miles to run and so when she comes in at night she's ready to collapse and sleep all night long. She gets hollered at if she goes potty on the floor so she will scratch at the door to get out and let us know she wants out. She's very very smart. Petey is a Pomeranian Dachshund and he's totally spoiled. He's usually sitting on my lap or next to me. When he moves toward the door, we let him out. When he jumps off the bed at night, Iet him out. I do sometimes sleep through it and he has his accidents but for the most part, he's been trained. Last night he got his shots so he wasn't feeling well and I slept hard so...yup, accident but he's so small! He makes the kitty's "leavings" look huge. He's smart and wants to please me (actually worships me!) so it's not hard. You just have to know when they want out and let them..
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
on 6/19/08 11:04 am - colchester, CT

Leslee, forgive and forget the downfall. We all have them and can't let them rule the rest of our lives. Just start anew. IMO getting back the your three meals and no snacking will work the best, I have to say that I cannot go without a few snacks though and plan for them, they are part of my totals for the day so not to go over my neccesary requirements. Most of the time that works for me.

Hang in there



Miss Liss
on 6/19/08 12:13 pm
Don't beat yourself up, girlfriend.  Some people do really great with extremes, and some people don't.  You tried it, and it didn't work for you.  Now continue the trial and error until you find that magic that works for you.  I personally don't do well with things like the 5DPT.  I like, Tracy, do better to focus on exercise and keeping busy and follow the rules given to me with protein first, then veggies, then fruit and very few carbs.  What works for one person doesn't always work for another.  The 5DPT has really helped alot of people get back on track, but for every one person it helped there was one person out there whose personality wasn't meant for that.  You can do this.  You are on the right track.  Hang in there. Melissa
on 6/19/08 2:34 pm - Bellville, TX
Hi Leslee, You were such an inspiration in getting me started on the 5dpt. Thank you so much for that. I hate to see you struggling with this.  It sounds to me like you are in the black or white thinking.  That is...you either have to do it 100% right or not at all.  Remember that there is a happy medium.  One slip doesn't mean you have totally bombed.  You didn't fail at the 5dpt you just varied a moment.  So get back up on that horse and ride on gal!  Even with your slip, I learned something from this.  I need to see more gray area and not so much  either or, black or white.  Thanks. Dancin'D
Dancin' D
7/7/04 rny/lap -210
4/13/07 butt,thighlift w/ lipo, Dr. J Lo
7/25/07 tt/arms/knees w/ lipo Dr. J Lo
on 6/20/08 2:44 am
I am SUCH a black and white thinker! Which I'm sure is what has contributed to all my dieting and yo yo weight. Thanks for pointing that out. I hope you're still doing great with the 5dpt! Not sure when/if I'll do it again. Let me know how it works for you. Glad I could help get you started, now YOU need to go inspire someone else! Which I'm sure you already have! Leslee

Before/Lowest/Current/Goal  I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!


Jenny R
on 6/19/08 3:17 pm

I just want to remind you to reclaim your power. Food and drink is not the enemy although a lot of the time we make it so. Whatever you're using food and drink to soothe you is. Boredom, depression, stress, whatever - food is offering something to you that you need to sit down and really listen to - to see why it is you do these things.  Personally if I did the 5DPT I would binge eat like no tomorrow because it's too restrictive. I work better with just following the rules. I have my high carbs days. I've had several days of high carb days in a row - weeks worth sometimes. But what I've done is slowly cut bac****il I'm back into my complex carb groove. It's not easy but it is doable. And consistently making myself accountable really helps. Asking myself if one of my WLS buddies walked in right now and saw the french onion dip all over my mouth and salt covered potato chip grease fingers what they would think of me. It's not disgust that worries me reflected on their faces. It's pity. Pity that I chose to continue to hurt myself with unhealthy food choices just because I didn't want to put the chips away. Or worse yet. Doing it all in front of a mirror and looking myself in the eye. Really quick wake-up call when you watch yourself go off plan. I know I'm not years out and don't have the experience of many old timers do with their RNY but what I do have is years of lying to myself, not holding myself accountable, and letting the dropped ball lie. It's time to continue to claw and scratch and scrape our way back up when we fall. And if that means we do it every single day until we're standing upright again (only to stumble more then likely somewhere down the line) then so be it. Better take all the time in the world fighting for stability then laying in a heap on the ground defeated. You are worth more then you probably give yourself credit for. Reclaim your health honey. It's yours for the taking.  Jenny

  ican.png image by BabyRhi rules.png image by BabyRhi
on 6/20/08 2:49 am
Thank you Jenny, you painted a very vivid picture. I bet if I watched myself in the mirror I would stop. Maybe I'll try that next time...IF there's a next time... but I'm not perfect so there very well might be. You guy have helped me get back on track. Today so far I've had about 1/2 cup of chicken, a slimfast with fruit and a few nuts, nothing crazy..although I need to be careful the rest of the day, as it's only 10! Thanks, leslee

Before/Lowest/Current/Goal  I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!


Penny B.
on 6/19/08 8:43 pm - Argyle, MN
Hi Leslee! I agree with everyone~~brush yourself off and start over.  Recognize what the temptation was.  I made mashed potatoes and gravy for my familys' supper one night and I "tasted" quite a bit before I realized what I was doing.  I felt like I was depriving myself.  I waited a 1/2 hour and started drinking and had one more protein shake before bed.  I just told myself that I modified my 5dpt a little and the scale was fine in the morning.        I'm so glad you posted though because I did feel like a failure when this happend.  We are human and we are doing the 5dpt to get back in touch with our food demons right?        Hang in there and keep us posted. PennyB
.Anita R.
on 6/20/08 9:21 am - Stafford, VA
Aww...I'm behind on posts since I dropped a glass of water on my keyboard!    I was crying when it happened...but what a clumsy twit I can be...I just couldn't hold the glass.   Anyway...I hope you are feeling better about things...Did you just continue with the rest of the test or did you decide to wait and start over?  I would have just continued...Anyway..I hope you didn;t leave too many bruises on yourself....You're doing so good sweetie!  You really are! Hugs
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