Complications - Need some hope from success stories
I had complications as well. I spent the first month in the hospital. Did not eat a thing for the first 30 nor did I drink anything becuase if it touched my lips I threw up or had the dry heaves. I had a hematoma (sp) that had to be drained and fluid build up on the old stomack that we thought was causing the naushish feeling. Had the EDG at the end of the 30 days and what ever they used to numb me worked. I slowly started to eat and drink. I am almost 2 years out. I felt the same way you did. Not knowing what is wrong and why I was feeling this way. They don't tell you of this. I thought I was going to die as well. Be a sured that it does get better every day. I was scared as well. Crazy scared and my husband was to. You did the right thing. It gets better as each day comes and goes. You will get hungry again. I am just now going through the OMG I want to eat.