New here
Hello all, I'm new here and have been exploring this site for a few day. This seems to be just what I was looking for. I wanted to get with people who had been on this journey for awhile and get insite into problems that are now starting to arise. Some questions have already been answered, which is nice. I look forward to getting to know some of you and chatting. Bear with my profile I'm still tring to figure out how to set things up.
267/140 Surgery was 5/07
welcome! I've only been here a week myself, and already have found this board and the people on it SO helpful, kind and supportive. I wish I had gotten involved a year or more ago! I've done better this week for a full week then I've done in months thanks to the opportunity of talking about what's on my mind, and the supportive and caring responses of others. I think you'll love it and feel very welcomed here.
Leslee 368/190/220/140. Before Surgery/Lowest/Current/Goal.