RNY or sleeve
Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
It's hard to speak from any point of view except the surgery I had. (RNY) I'm more than content in my decision and lost 150 lbs which I have maintained 4 1/2 years with minor (later) problems with vitamin deficiencies (which are mostly my own fault for not taking religiously) And a little struggle with minor winter weight gains. If I was only 75 lbs overweight, I would not have had RNY or DS at all. I would definitely have had the lap band or I would not have had surgery at all (unless I had medical problems) I was happy being 200 lbs. and very active and healthy...300 was more than my body could handle and it shut down at 260 and got progressively worse once I got to 315. I have no idea what the sleeve is..I never even heard of it til a few months ago! (Yeah...I was away for a while...4 years to be exact) There is a lightweight board...I have no idea how busy it is or what info you might find there...but that might be a cool place for info! You just keep researching and you'll know in your heart what is right for you and you'll make it! Good luck with whatever you decide.