RNY or sleeve

Lisa L.
on 6/11/08 3:12 pm - New Zealand
I am booked for surgery  July 14 and need to make a decision between a sleeve or RNY.  I am bad at snacking on junk and am worried the sleeve won't be enough to keep me in check with no dumping on sweets or high fat foods.  But I am really concerned about the whole vitamin deficiency issues post RNY especially further down the track.  Does anyone regret getting RNY verses sleeve or DS?  My BMI is 34 and I have about 75 pounds to loose, so am considered a lightweight.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
K B (Tucson)
on 6/11/08 3:20 pm - Tucson, AZ
Snacking is a problem no matter what surgery you have.  I had lapband and was later converted to vsg, so I am not intimately familar with bypass.  As I understand it though, only a small percentage of people with bypass dump, so don't count on this to keep you from snacking.  You will have to work at this, no matter what.  Make your decision based on what you feel you can live with, and be prepared to make major life changes in diet and movement.  Good luck.
Lisa L.
on 6/11/08 3:29 pm - New Zealand
Thanks so much for your reply.  you are right - either way I am in for big change in lifestyle in order to succeed. 
on 6/12/08 3:24 pm, edited 6/12/08 3:24 pm
KB, Did you have your sleeve done in Mexico or AZ? And, who did it? Not that many Dr's are doing it. Thanks
K B (Tucson)
on 6/13/08 4:21 am - Tucson, AZ
I first went for lapband and self-paid in Mexico.  I never investigated the vsg as this was not my choice, but if you read my OH profile, you will see that I had problems with the fband and later had to be converted to vsg.  At that point I wa a "captive audience" to AZ bariaticians.  The only Tucson Docs doing vsg to my knowlege are Chaisson and Burpee out of NW Hospital. I also self-paid for this.
Sandra B.
on 6/11/08 8:00 pm - Savannah, GA
I don't regret my RNY at all but I had much more to lose than you do.  I supplement with vitamins and keep a check on my labs and know this will be a part of my life forever.  I don't mind it as I hated the unhealthy, +135 pound person I was.  I have had no problems keeping my labs up but then I'm religious about taking what I need to.
Dave Chambers
on 6/11/08 11:35 pm - Mira Loma, CA
You need to get a good consult with a surgeon who has knowledge of the post op routines of these surgeries. That's the only way you can really decide. Vitamin deficiencies are held in check by regular lab checks. I use a liquid vitamin only, and my latest labs (2 year) are on my profile page.  Doc said everything was OK, but D was at low norm levels, so I'm augmenting with more D when it arrives from Vitalady. Although my liquid vitamin has excellent levels of supplements, your body may not assimilate all vitamins the same as another person. That's why the lab work is so important. I had D levels that were way below normal, even under prescription D, and that was tried 3 times, with follow up lab work. Not until I switched to liquid vitamins, did my D levels make it into the normal level, albeit the low normal levels. Based upon a post by Vitaday the other day, it stated the D is so important on seveal levels for optimum health. That's why I had this surgery, so I've ordered the D to begin taking. Some patients may be lower in B12, and take shots or have to use sublingual B12 a few days per week besides their normal vitamins. Nobody has exactly the same lab results. DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

on 6/12/08 12:46 am - Detroit, MI
I had my surgery (RNY) on July 14, 2005!!! Woohoo!! I am one of the fortunate ones that still dump; sometimes even with splenda! I am ok with 3g or under in the sugar department. I have no vitamin deficiencies - take vitamins daily without a problem. Even though I had much more weight to lose than you do, I am glad I chose the RNY. I have had no serious problems with the exception of a few strictures within the first 4 months of surgery. Talk to your surgeon and do more investigation. He/she should be able to help you pinpoint what is the best for you! Darla - Detroit

 Darla - Detroit, MI  Surgery: July 14, 2005

.Anita R.
on 6/12/08 4:49 pm - Stafford, VA

It's hard to speak from any point of view except the surgery I had. (RNY)  I'm more than content in my decision and lost 150 lbs which I have maintained 4 1/2 years with minor (later) problems with vitamin deficiencies (which are mostly my own fault for not taking religiously)  And a little struggle with minor winter weight gains.   If I was only 75 lbs overweight, I would not have had RNY or DS at all.  I would definitely have had the lap band or I would not have had surgery at all (unless I had medical problems)  I was happy being 200 lbs. and very active and healthy...300 was more than my body could handle and it shut down at 260 and got progressively worse once I got to 315.  I have no idea what the sleeve is..I never even heard of it til a few months ago! (Yeah...I was away for a while...4 years to be exact)   There is a lightweight board...I have no idea how busy it is or what info you might find there...but that might be a cool place for info!  You just keep researching and you'll know in your heart what is right for you and you'll make it!  Good luck with whatever you decide.    

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