So.. I went extreme and had my husband put a lock on my fridge and pantry. Remember the first week after surgery when you could not eat? I had major withdrawels, I was sad, upset, frustrated when people ate around me.. I really mourned the loss of my best friend, I even had nightmares about food!!! About how my whole family came over to my house and had a big pot luck of all my favorite foods spread out and sat there and ate it all in front of me while I couldn't have a bite.. I was woken up by the sound of my nephews voice saying to my sister "mommy, why is Leslee crying? She's sleeping, why is she crying"... YES I even cried in my sleep about this!
So.. it was a mournful experience losing my best friend, and I regret to say..I found it again!! As my earlier post said I've struggled with night time eating, day time snacking and drinking to excess.. So I not only found my old best friend of food again, but I found a new friend, Mr Vodka. Along with these new friends I've also found 35 lbs!
SO I'm losing them again....
I went down stairs after working upstairs for a while, I was gonna go eat something..and sure enough just as I had asked, my husband locked up the fridge and pantry after dinner...I actually hadn't had my dinner yet, but I have protein drinks and water in my little fridge I drank that for dinner.
My plan is to have breakfast with my husband, have him lock it while he's at work and I'm home, and I'll have a protein shake and water during the day, then we'll eat dinner together, then I'll have him lock it up during the night...this will keep me away from Mr vodka also, cause I won't make a mixed drink without ice.
it's already worked.. two things have happened, I felt a sense of relief when I couldn't get into the fridge, because I no longer had to use willpower to resist, food just wasn't available..but I also felt a sadness, similar to right after the surgery....kinda like "what do I do if I can't eat?" imagine I find something ELSE to do!
So if this is what it's going to take to break me off from these new found friends, then so be it!
Thought I'd share lol sometimes it takes going extreme to get the results you want. This won't be for forever, just till I break these habits and can live more normaly again.