Losing friends as I lose weight?!
I know how this feels also. I bet most of us do. Sadly, of the friends I lost when I lost weight, only one friendship was repaired. I bear no ill will toward the others. Of course it hurt, sometimes I fret about it under cover of night when I can't sleep, but hey, if they can't be with me then so be it.
Life is too short to worry about it. I have many friends, I hope to make many more, I will always consider them friends to me and should they come back they will be welcomed.
All I can do in this life is be who I am. That's all they can do as well. In the meantime we go on and keep happy thoughts. Negative thoughts make me want to eat large quantities of chocolate. :)
I had many neighbor "aquaintences" that I used to play Bunko with. When they found out I was having surgery, many were very vocal about how it was "the easy way out". It really shocked me that they would think that that let alone SAY IT to me....The ones that seemed supportive were the heavy ones...UNTIL the weight loss...Right before surgery, they told me they were talking me off the list for a while so I could heal. I never got a call to come back and I heard they quit playing....But none of them called to see how I did...or came over the house to visit me...Nothing. It hurt my feelings so much. I have run into almost everyone of them individually over the years and none of them even recognized me. Or if they did, they pretended they didn't. At first I'd say hello...and when I got a puzzled look I would just say, "I'm sorry, I thought you were one of my friends"....It was the truth...
I have a few very select friends now. My true friends...The ones that never judged me fat or became jealous when I got thinner. Speaking of sister in laws....mine got huge...I mean HUGE!!! For christmas she sent me a giant basket of chocolate and cookies and cakes. She's a nurse....she also knows I can't eat that stuff. The kids and hubby got gift cards to their fav stores...I thought that was interesting. Come to think of it...She's sent me that kinda crap for the last three years... I thought maybe it was a "regift"....But last year she sent me a basket of pasta and bread and cream sauces and candies. The year prior it was hot chocolate and mugs kinda stuff.... Yeah! I think she's trying to sabotage me! I opened the chocolate basket and had hubby take it all to work to put on his desk and give it away. I kept the basket and will fill it with diet stuff for her for xmas this year....naw...I'm not that way...well...maybe I am...We'll see! LOL Maybe I'll get her a few paid weeks at Curves? Hmmm? I'm kidding...I'm just feeling a bit of PMS, I think! LOL
Thank you to everyone who shared your comments and personal stories. I do appreciate them all. I am comforted to know that this is a typical post-surgery experience and I am not alone. It is difficult to accept that some people do perceive me differently now that my waistline is smaller. I am trying to accept that it is the individual's own mental "baggage" that affects the way the feel around me now, but I have never enjoyed fueling someone's insecurities. - I know how fragile that feels.
I guess as I weed out my closet of clothes that don't fit anymore I should be doing the same with my relationships. This is just another confirmation that this surgery is a LIFE CHANGING choice! - One I will be forever grateful I made. Despite the challenges, LIFE IS GOOD!