Strange happenings at the Circle K
Hello all. I am 11 months out and have reached my Dr's goal of 140. I however would like to be 125. I am currently 136. I have been experiencing a shaky feeling that I have not had since before surgery. I can only describe it as a low blood sugar crash feeling. I break out in a sweat, get really shaky and the only thing that seems to help is to quickly drink some protein. This has been happening almost every day for the past week. I have not been eating sugar or things to make me dump although I don't seem to have much of a problem with dumping on fat or sugar. I have always been a bit scared to pu**** too far. It has been hot outside and I have increased some weight lifting so I have made sure to drink all my required water. Really, nothing has changed in my eating habits in the past week so I don't really know why all of a sudden this is happening. Have any of you experienced this phenomena?
Yes, I do get that way when my blood sugar drops too low. I immediately grab a high protein snack and then I will feel better within 10-15min. I also try to eat on a pretty regular schedule so that my blood sugar doesn't even get the chance to drop. For some reason I experience it ALOT at night, like around 11pm (if I'm still awake then, LOL). Then I have to get out of bed and grab a few spoonfuls of cottage cheese to help me thru it.
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
It's not the diabetic low blood sugar phenomenon. As I understand it, it is caused by years of obesity causing your body to pump out more insulin than you need in response to your eating. The excess insulin then causes your blood sugar to drop too low.
If you have it, it will pass on its own. You could try eating a little (of pretty much anything) about 2 hours after eating a meal.
Reactive Hypoglycemia is why most WLS patients eat between meal snacks. I eat a 1 oz cheese stick about 2 hours after my breakfast meal and before my lunch meal so that I get that protein and also ward off the shaky reaction. I also try and keep my white carbs as low as possible because those tend to give me that reaction too. bread, pasta, rice...sometimes even potatoes..
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Great movie reference
Highest 6/98: 289 1st consult 9/07: 260 5'11"
WLS 1/7/08: 234 Lowest 8/08: 164.5
Currently pregnant! Due November 27th, 2009!
I have reactive hypoglycemia and it can be a real pain in the buttocks. I eat every couple of hours. It's like being a newborn baby on a feeding schedule. I find some low-sugar peanut butter on double-fiber wheat bread keeps me regulated better than anything. Things like crackers & potato chips (which I love) make it worse. It's especially important to eat right before a big workout, and not too long afterwards too. Sometimes I even have to eat something during the night. It can be frustrating when you're trying to cut back on your calories, because you have to eat a certain amount to keep your blood sugar from dipping too low. My low sugar problem started about the same time as yours, and I've heard of people developing it years after WLS.