
on 6/9/08 3:26 am
At the height of my illness last year I was unable to really remember anything. I could tell you stuff that i knew BEFORE I got ill, such as birthdays, phone numbers and even social security and drivers liscense numbers. NOW I cant remember my new phone #(I had to move) childrens teachers, friends, any new numbers, heck I cant even remember yesterday. I have vague memory's of yesterday, but no specifics. I have to have my family deal with all bills and dr's and meds. I have started to do my own meds, I put them in a weekly organizer. LOL that went well til last week when I took my Sun. AM meds. A couple hours later I couldnt remember if I took them..I looked, they were in there, so I took them..AGAIN!! I was out of it all day. I know it is frustrating for my family and friends. Im sure they love it when I have to call them back immedietly after hanging up and ask them AGAIN..."now what was I supposed to do?" Now mine is vitamin related, but memory loss can be from so many things. Go to your Dr. and tell him your concerns.
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