Weight Gain and Alcohol

H A.
on 6/9/08 1:14 pm - NOR CAL, CA
I have been a night time eater too. I didn't know there was anyone else out there that did that. It was really bad in my 20's when I was starving myself as a diet plan. It's been sometimes very uncontrollable. It's a odd habit because it's almost like I'm sleep walking. I know can related it to the amount of stress that I have and sometimes dehydrated. A lot of times I'm really thirsty.

I'm glad you posted this. It helps to reach out. I'm going to start a yoga class and work on dealing with the stress that is causing this behavior. I might go for some councelling too.

ps. Carefull on the vodka. My friends brother needs a transplant because of his afterwork vodka ****tails. They won't even give him one because they said he will die on the table.
It's good your working on all this now. But I feel it all stems from the same place, dealing with the stress of life. Take one day at a time. You can do it.


on 6/10/08 2:22 am
I totally know about the sleep walking thing..it's almost like I have no control over it.. where as drinking and day time eating, I feel I have SOME control..but the night time thing just "happens" I'm half asleep! And sometimes I don't even remember doing it!!! So the lock, for now, is important. ugh..about the vodka, i don't want to end up needing a transplant..who would have ever thought alcohol would be an addiction for me?!! ME of all people!?? I never would have touched the stuff, but one day out of curiosity...and yes, it's progressive for some people...I'm drinking LESS but still too much...and I need to keep working on it..not just for weight loss purposes, but for LIFE purposes!! Thanks for your respons Heidi!
.Anita R.
on 6/9/08 4:09 pm - Stafford, VA
Your wedding photos are soooooo beautiful... I have no experience in what you are going thru with the alcohol, but wanted to tell you how awesome it is for you to speak so candidly and just reach out...So I wanted to just give you a hug and hope you find strength to quit /cut back drinking above all else right now.  I can barely handle a glass of wine or a shot of liquor....That's it for me!  So, it blows my mind to think that anyone after WLS can drink an entire bottle.  I hope you do go talk to a doc and get some labs done if you haven't recently because alcohol totally robs your body of vitamin stores and I really hope you are taking vitamins anyway.  The power-water-drinking-really helps me curb my appetite and keeps the organs flushed! AA is not my favorite organization (personal opinion , not WLS related)...and it's success rate is less than people who quit cold turkey (Some say it's less than 0%..some say it has a 5 % success rate), but the support is often what people seem to need.  I hope with all the warm wishes that you at least feel motivated....I wish you much luck with this...I hear it is a common problem that many don't talk about much.  But as you see, you have lots of friends here that wish you well and don't judge.  We all have our crux's and many transfer addiction like you mentioned.  So we understand if nothing else. Hugs
on 6/10/08 2:37 am
wow anita! I really like you right now! Thank you soo much for caring..and man! why could I not be one of those who was wasted after an ounce!!!! What's wrong with me?! But I really appreciate your caring and understanding, even tho you don't associate with it. I want to cry.. I wish this were not an issue for me.. my whole life I never drank, it was a religious thing...and I never understood what anyone found so desirable about it. But alcoholism runs in my family...that's not an excuse, but perhaps an explanation? Thanks again for caring. I'd like to keep in touch. leslee
on 6/18/08 1:39 am - townville, SC

I can sympathize with your dilima with Alcohol. I had gastric bypass surgery 6 years ago and have lost a total of 187lbs. I am 38 and never drank alcohol at all before the surgery. I was having problems sleeping and had 1 drink to help put me to sleep one night. Worst mistake ever! Before long I was up to a bottle of wine a night. Pretty soon the tolerance increased till my highest was drinking 5-10 liters in 24 hours. I was a mess, not eating, not working. I went to pricey rehabs 4 times in the last year. The final straw came when this problem cost me my marraige of 16 yrs and now having to share custody of my children with my husband. I was part of a study in Atlanta at a cutting edge outpatient behavoiral therapy center focusing on the large number of people (especially women) who become dependent on alcohol after having gastric bypass surgery. I thought I was the exception but at one rehab facility during the 5 days I was there, I met 3 other women in the same situation. My wake up call was when it was beginning to affect my family - I quit cold turkey and hopefully will be able to avoid alcohol in the future.  I have been a little over 2 months since I quit and am finally getting things back on track with my life. I also heard Carnie Wilson on a talk show about her new biography where she admits she had a problem with alcohol after her surgery and only quit when her husband threatened to leave her.  If you are drinking alcohol after surgery, you are at risk to develop a serious addiction - please stop now or never start if you don't currently use alcohol.

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