Weight Gain and Alcohol

on 6/6/08 11:18 am - colchester, CT

Leslee, I am afraid for you. If you can consume a Liter of alcohol in a day..... That is serious. It does sound like you have  a problem that will need some support. I might suggest AA or some other counselling. Besides all the added calories it is not healthy for your liver and other organs. Please consider getting some professional help. You know you are worth taking care of and you are the only one who can do it.

Let us know how you make out.

Take care


on 6/6/08 11:46 am
Thank you for your concern.. and my mom says she'd be more happy to see me stop drinking, then to lose more weight.... but realizing it's getting in my way of losing weight may be the motivation for me... Ugh... no one likes to admit they "have a problem"...and I understand the extra danger of it due to our new digestive layout. I guess I was just hoping to 'get away with it'. I discovered alcohol after surgery, and frankly, really liked it...but I'd rather feel good by being thin..then be "obese" and addicted to alcohol. And I don't think I can "get away with it" and expect to lose weight....and keep it off. Like a post said earlier... I think I'll start by trying cutting way back..and I guess if I can't,.. then yes, something like AA is in order. I think I just needed to hear some feedback from people about all this. Thank you to everyone who's taken the time to respond. I know what I need to do. Thanks again, Leslee
on 6/7/08 3:39 am
My first bit of advise is to get to the doctor and tell him what is going on. Be honest, they have heard it all Im sure. Your drinking is not only making you gain weight it is killing you. You are correct that following the rules will help you in loosing the weight. But you really need to focus on your problems with alcohol. I went through a very tough period with it that ended with me almost loosing my life. I did as much damage in 6 months that a hard core alcoholic takes years to do. Death was at my door and I am still recovering a year later with long term damage to my body and mind. I would hate for anyone to go through the pain (constant now) and ordeal that I have.
on 6/7/08 4:23 am
Wow....thank you for sharing. That's very sobering...and no there was no pun intended. My husband is working with me on a game plan I've come up with to greatly reduce my drinking. I'll let you all know how it goes. I didn't realize so much damage could be done SO fast. I've been drinking for about 16 months...the last 6 weeks have been the heaviest drinking I've done....it's no wonder I've  gained 20 lbs in a couple months huh? Anyway, thank you for helping me see I really need to take this more seriously, and stop looking for ways to "get away with it".... these responses are helping me get face to face with the core problem..even tho I know it's a problem, hearing other peoples responses daily makes it that much easier to resolve to not drink.  Leslee
on 6/7/08 8:26 am - Langley, Canada
Aww, Leslee ... My hat's off to you for having the courage it takes to reach out for help -- whether on this board or wherever!  It really does take a lot of courage to face those things that would see us fail.  You ARE worthy of happiness, you ARE worthy of health, joy, love etc.  Perhaps, deep down inside, you are thinking you aren't and in a passive-aggressive sort of way, sabotage yourself.  You don't need to hide behind alcohol (now that the fat is disappearing), and it doesn't need to rule your life.    Real joy and real love does not come from a bottle. You are in my prayers. Colleen cpl60
on 6/7/08 8:41 am
Thank you.. that made me almost get teary, I'm feeling so emotional about this. What you said hit pretty close to home.. I think you're right...about the sabotaging myself, I don't have the fat to hide behind now...so I hide behind the alcohol.. Thank you for words of support. Leslee
Debra Welker
on 6/8/08 10:41 am - Kaukauna, WI
I to have a problem with alcohol and have gained some weight back. I drank before surgery, then didnt drink for about 9 months after, then started again. I can drink alot also. Do you ever get black outs from drinking? This happens to me sometimes after just a couple, I wake up the next day and dont remember eating supper but theres proof in the kitchen that I did. My husbands says I function just like as if I wasnt drinking, doing all the cooking and everything but still I dont remember doing it. I am working on getting it under control, but its hard. Everyday I tell myself Im not going to drink that night, then I get home from work and want a drink. I know what has to be done I just need to do, Im so afraid of damaging my liver or other organs because that would be really stupid to do something intetionally. This surgery was a blessing for me and now I need to get in control, good luck to you, Deb
on 6/8/08 11:49 am
oh, I completely understand.. the "I'm not going to drink tonight"...and then still drinking. It's good hearing from someone *****lates to this.  It's a two edge thing... the alcohol in general to the amount that I'm drinking it (or any at all really) is super super bad for me..but then there's the weight gain part of it. Strangly (or not so strangely) it's more motivation to cut back so I resume losing weight then motivation from knowing I'm hurting myself. The good news is, as I cut back on drinking so I lose weight, I'm also hurting myself less... but the realization that my weight gain was due in large part to my excessive drinking is what realy is gonna help me slow down on the alcohol... I've come to far to ruin it now with a bad habit! Anyway, thank you for understand, feel free to add me...maybe we can help each other through this :) I'll tell you about my marble idea lol Leslee
on 6/9/08 7:52 am - South El Monte, CA

Hello there.. wow.. that is such a o so familiar story.. I started out the same.. and lost & gained about the same.. maybe a little more.. so.. I started running.. yeah crazy huh.. but the thing is .. if you drink the night before.. your running totally sucks.. so I traded one vice for another..  now.. do I still drin****asionally yes.. but I HATE how I feel when I run the next day... I feel bloated or too hungover & that gets in the way of running goals.. and setting good times..  so my advice.. pick up another hobby.. and that may help you step back from the drinking.. I am the first to say it.. if I didnt drink I could loose weight.. and I have seen it.. as soon as I absolutely dont drink for a few weeks I can drop the quickest 10 lbs ya ever seen.. but let me have a glass of wine.. or a martini or two.. and those 10lbs find me real quick..  Good luck to you and your search to get this under control..  H

on 6/9/08 9:13 am
Oh it's so great to know I'm not alone on this! I think I have the night time eating under control...YEP I insisted my husband lock the fridge and pantry each night after I eat dinner. Now this would ONLY work if it was my idea...if he even DARED suggest it..and it was NOT my idea? I'd get really upset about how he was trying to "control"  my eating... But so far it's working great! I am drinking less already....but need to drink less even still. Now I could have him lock up the alcohol..but I know I'll just go buy another bottle and hide it. For some reason I don't feel a need to do that with food, so locking the food up till I get out if this night timeeating habit is helping.  I guess you don't realize how addicted you are to something until you try to stop it. Thanks for your replies everyone...and thanks to ALLLL the people who are reading these posts! It's still a "hot" topic! lol..which makes me wonder if more people than will admit are struggling a bit with the same thing? Wish me luck as I continue to nip these bad habits! Leslee
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