Weight Gain and Alcohol

on 6/6/08 4:26 am
First of all forgive for not having my pic up yet, or profile complete, I just wanted to Jump right in., I was 360 before surgery, got down to 190 and have now regained to 225... I am freakin out a little as you can imagine. Also about at the 190ish point I started drinking alcohol (for the first time in 27.5 years..I'm 29 now).  I find I have two very bad habbits now.. eating all night long, sometimes as often as every hour, eating often (more than three meals) during the day..and consuming sometimes up to..well let's just say a Lot...of liquer almost every day. I am positive the alcohol AND eating all day/night is what has caused my weight gain..not to mention not exercising.. So I'm not an idiot, I know I'm doing this to myself... but is there anyone out there who can shed some insight on what I can do to stop this cycle?!! As Susan Powers would say "STOP THE INSANITY" I don't want to gain all my weight back, I don't want to be a food addict, and I don't want to be an alcoholic... I firmly believe if I "followed the rules" three meals a day, no snacking, protein first, no liquid with water..and ahem..no alchol! lol.., exercises again..I'm sure I would resume the weight loss. Does any one have any words of encouragment, hope, advice.. (please be nice...I'm really struggling with this) I would love to hear almost anything...how can I turn this all around? Thanks. leslee
on 6/6/08 4:34 am
I meant no liquid with food obviously lol water IS liquid.. thanks again for any input
on 6/9/08 10:18 pm - Charlotte, NC
For starters STOP THE BOOZE.  Yes the calories are bad but the biggest problem is it lowers your resistance to not eat.  It makes it easier for you to exercise bad judgment and go on your all night eating binges. Secondly... it sounds to me that you have some deep seated issues that need resolution.  I doubt seriously you are going to implement a self-fix.  You need external help.   Remember, your surgery was only 1/2 the battle.  In order to succeed, you need to win the battle going on within your head.  There are no more excuses... just solutions.
Just Valena
on 6/6/08 4:41 am - Nunyabizness

Well congratulations...sounds like you have identified your weaknesses. We ALL have them, in one form or another. It's OK.  I too am a nighttime snacker...always kind of have been, working on that right now. I have never had a problem with alcohol...I used to could 'hold my own', but now since WLS I am SUCH a lightweight!!! It's almost comical. I do know that it is very hard to break habits. I know for me and my snacking...I had to get rid of the stuff I love to snack on before bed...carbs and candy. It's been a bit of a struggle, but seems OK so far. With all the calories in alcohol, I'm almost sure you would be doing something huge to cut back on that and stop. But I know it is hard to just STOP. Perhaps start by cutting back every couple of nihgts, or something? Or maybe you are strong enough to just go cold turkey. Drink water? Gee, I guess I don't have any good advice...so much is easier said than done. One thing that helps me with snacking is to chew gum between meals and drink LOTS of water. I drink so much water that the thought of a snack makes me sick to my already full pouch.

Take it one day at a time. You will find great support here.




on 6/6/08 5:11 am
WOW congratulations on your 100% weight loss and maintaining it!! I  vowed when I got surgery that I would not be one of those who gained back weight... but I never even got to my goal... I wonder if I would have had I not started the drinking habit. And perhaps JUST cutting out the drinking might be enough to lose some of the excess weight.  I wish I were a lightweight!! I can compete with the best of them...NON surgery people... Ok.. so confession.. I can sometimes drink a whole "normal size" bottle of Vodka a day.. that's what? over 2,000 calories?!! Y EAH! That COULD be a freakin problem! Not to mention it will kill me! I wish just cutting back my eating would be enough, but I'm pretty positive the drinking habbit is my worse enemy,...not so much the food... I'm interested in the idea of starting with "cutting back".. maybe to 3 nights a week instead of 5-7.. Or setting a daily limit of 4 ounce alcohol (enough for a buzz for a few minutes..yes it goes through my system so fast).. and then gradually cut back from there. The thing is.. I NEVER drank before surgery...didn't understand what was so great about it, but I think I experienced what they call transference..transfering my food addiction to alcohol addiction..but now that I can eat more, I have both. I like the water idea... to just freakin DRINK DRINK DRINK water all day long, so my pouch is always full.. I think I like that "full feeling"...so if I can do that more with water, vs food...that might help. Thank you for your advice..and so much for just responding.. more than anything I think I just need some support..and someone to work this out with. i don't expect anyone to have my answers..ya know. Again congrats on the success!! Leslee
on 6/6/08 6:22 am - Parsippany, NJ

Alcohol is evil... since my surgery.. I know when I touch it and it's not often I;ll see some gain..  please be carefull. I am sure your dr would tell you alcohol can be leathal after this surgery because of the way we metabolize it.. All I can say is use with caution.. please be carefull.  I have read way too many postings here of horrible alcohol related stories.. 

on 6/10/08 2:25 am
Congrats on the 100% lost! And yes, it IS much easier said then done..the alcohol thing. i wish there were MORE people that new exactly what I ws talking about.. I have two neices that had the surgery, one struggles with alcohol the other doesn't. I'm starting on cutting back, and so far so good..but not enough yet to see a weight loss difference. I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut out alcohol completely AND all snacking and night time eating completely, to resume weight loss!  It's a work in progress. Thanks for your response! Leslee
on 6/13/08 7:34 am
Just wanted to let you know I've taken your advice on drinking LOTS of water...and it's helping. I'm doing amazingly well with the no snacking or night time eating, and have reduced my alcohol to about 1/3 of what I was drinking. Thanks again.
Just Valena
on 6/13/08 9:53 am - Nunyabizness
Great! Glad I could be of help.




on 6/6/08 5:46 am - Fredericksburg, VA
I know someone who came to our OH support group who went through what you went and are going through plus more. Please post your inquiry on the VA OH forum and she will probably reply to you. Hope this helps. Diana
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