Weight Gain and Alcohol
Well congratulations...sounds like you have identified your weaknesses. We ALL have them, in one form or another. It's OK. I too am a nighttime snacker...always kind of have been, working on that right now. I have never had a problem with alcohol...I used to could 'hold my own', but now since WLS I am SUCH a lightweight!!! It's almost comical.
I do know that it is very hard to break habits. I know for me and my snacking...I had to get rid of the stuff I love to snack on before bed...carbs and candy. It's been a bit of a struggle, but seems OK so far. With all the calories in alcohol, I'm almost sure you would be doing something huge to cut back on that and stop. But I know it is hard to just STOP. Perhaps start by cutting back every couple of nihgts, or something? Or maybe you are strong enough to just go cold turkey. Drink water? Gee, I guess I don't have any good advice...so much is easier said than done. One thing that helps me with snacking is to chew gum between meals and drink LOTS of water. I drink so much water that the thought of a snack makes me sick to my already full pouch.
Take it one day at a time. You will find great support here.
Alcohol is evil... since my surgery.. I know when I touch it and it's not often I;ll see some gain.. please be carefull. I am sure your dr would tell you alcohol can be leathal after this surgery because of the way we metabolize it.. All I can say is use with caution.. please be carefull. I have read way too many postings here of horrible alcohol related stories..