Looking older 6 years post-op
I never realized how old and shriveled I looked either until someone took a video of me. GAWD...My eyes were bigger than my face. I looked like that cartoon of the cat with big eyes and small head...Yikes. I decided it was because my hair was thinning and wispy. So I cut my hair and started to moisturize my face and work on the laugh lines and wrinkles...AND my neck...hanging skin on the neck just screams OLD...
I think the fat in my skin before hid the fact that I am over 30 (cough, 50 this year) and so I'm having to adjust my own mind to remember I'm not a 30 something...Maybe I should dress the part? NEVER! oh well, it's gonna be a fight to the finish in this corner...
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
I was going to write a long post and try to explain all the vits I use for my skin and why and what they do...and found this site that taught me a few extra things. http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/features/s kin-nutrition
I use all of the vitamins they recommend for skin. On top of that though, I use "All Firm" moisturizer with SP15 from Kohl's on my face, neck and upper chest area in the summer and use Loreal Sublime Bronze Tanning Gelee (http://www.drugstore.com/qxp93422_333181_sespider/loreal_sub lime/bronze_self_tanning_gelee_medium_deep.htm)for a fake tan on my face! LOL It looks very real without the damage! (just make sure you wash your hands well...they turn orange if you don't. (I still use a sun block lotion over that) If you hate the way it looks, you can exfoliate it off. It takes a few hours to see the color and it's really nice. If you use it often and exfoliate every few days you keep the tan going nicely. I do not let the sun damage my face neck and upper chest. I allow a little tan on the rest of my body but only enough to not blind people with my white glow! (especially since I swim outdoors all summer. Exfoliate dead lifeless skin every three days. Don't use a lot of powder on your face. A little sheen from a bronzer make up adds a nice youthful glow. Powder makes the skin look lifeless.
The rest of my body ...I use Skin Firming with Copper Peptides. The one I am using at the moment is Aveeno Active Naturals (with copper and soy)....I love the smell...and the way it feels on the skin. I don't believe it has quite enough copper in it though. I can't find the cream I was using by Neutrogena with active copper anywhere! :(
People tell me all the time (face to face) that I look so much younger now. And some of it might be dumb luck...But I swear by these thing and the vitamins. Drinking lots of clear plain water for hydration too. If you have dark circles under the eyes, Kohl's has a little tube of stuff with Vit K that really works well. I don't have that trouble anymore so I don't use it anymore, unless I need it...but thought I'd mention it. Well...That's my basic beauty secrets...Good luck!
I'm a mary kay skin care person and that makes a difference on my skin. I also do alot of the neck exercises from kung fu to firm up the *****when you look up with your head bring your bottom lip sort of rolled up over your top teeth- makes you make a funny face). It help strengthen those chin sags.
I don't look older, actually at 47 I look younger then I did when I was overweight.
Remember, nothing tastes as good as THIN feels!!