Great my weight is where I want it to be but...
My face is SO thin.. it doesnt look good. :( A wee bit of fat in our faces I think makes us look younger and I look gaunt. Is there a way to do makeup to make a face appear fuller? Or any suggestions to you all?
Thanks a ton for any help!
Start Weight - 263
Current Weight 135 and making it work for ME !
You can make your face look longer, thinner and contoured but not plump with makeup. Be sure to be exfoiliating and using moisture to hydrate your skin. If you are loosing fat pads which is made up of hyaluronic acid under your skin you can have that injected into smile lines. This not only comes with weighloss it comes with aging.
I exfoiliate daily with a hydrating efoilating mask, use serums with hyrluronic acids and ceramides and it locks in the mositure and and literally plumps up my skin. I didn't think my neck would snap back but it did with tender loving night and day skincare/ Don't forget SPF, high as you can find, last step.
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
Linda forgot to mention in email, don't forget Omega 3, (not just fish oil) supplements, be sure the the EPA / DHA are equal amounts. I take 4 grams daily. This helps to plumps up the skin from inside. Major difference when you take it...what is good for your heart is good for you skin hair and eyes.
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
I take some in my regular vit and mineral pack which comes to 800. The balance I take is a script called Lovaza each capsule is 1 gram, the script calls for grams daily. I get them for 22. every three months because of I pay one co pay for three months using mail pharmacy. You can find them on the web and in any health food store or drug store even food stores If you have a script plan,.call you dr, see if they will write it for you first. Before I got the script I use to pay nearly 100. every 2 months both DH and I take the same amount.
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
Getting better one day at a time. I am still taking prednisone & I have about 5 more days to taper off. I feel much better than last 2 weeks but everyone says I sound not clear as yet. I have to be better by next week. I am taking hubby to his neuro appt in Tampa on 10th, my last pills are the 9th, I can't believe I had to cancel three times due to the pneumonia,
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
I had this same issue with my face a few weeks back...I changed my hair style and that seemed to help. If you part it in the middle, try on the side just slightly and it tends to widen the look of your face. At least that's what they tell me at work now. My face doesn't look so thin with it parted on the side. An added plus too because it tends to puff up alittle...My hair was getting really thin and the ends were so bad. I had more than a foot cut off and it was such a skinny braid, just sad. Now my hair feels thicker too.
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Linda, since you just recently got to this weight and it was lost quickly this is very common. I hit that stage way back when and looked so old. My head looked to big for my body. Here is sit at almost the same weight (give or take 2-3 lbs) and my face has regained the shape.
Hang it there, it's due to the rapid loss, not due to weighing to little.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining