Willpower problems, Help!
Okay, I have had the band almost a year and a half. I love the way it forces me
to eat these small portions. I wish candy and junk would get stuck so
I would lose my sugar cravings. I do low carb most of the time because that
does help with the sugar cravings. It's like I do perfectly well for awhile and
then all of a sudden, I am craving candy and ice cream etc. It's not pms, I have
gone through meno. I am in a size 12 which I thought I would never see again.
I am only 5'2" though and if I lost about 20 more lbs, I would not still be overweight.
I still look fat in pictures.
I can't get another fill. I don't want to go back to pbing often. I know I am at the right
fill. Any suggestions?
I have sugar cravings too but thankfully, I dump. I stay away from sugar like the plague.. but I do eat sugar free stuff.
the reason that I do that is two fold. I will still get the sugar cravings because I'm addicted to that. But if I do happen to give in (which I know I'm going to) I know that if I over indulge...I get sick. because that sugar free stuff doesn't taste nasty enough for me to stay away but it does tend to rap me in the nose if I eat too much...
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
We had different surgeries, but I can relate to the cravings. And if I ever give in, I just want more of it. I have a new plan, as of today. I usually end up climbing 5 or 6 flights of stairs a day at work, but I'm going to start going up and down them twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. So that'll be another 12 flights, bringing my grand total to about 18 flights per day. I'm going to try to do this at the times I'm about to give in to my weakness and eat something I shouldn't. Now, I just started this today, so I don't know how effective it will be. But it's worth a shot. :)
I agree with everyone else. I too have stayed sugar free. And I know I say this all the time, but when I drink my protein shakes, I have less of those crazy cravings. I don't keep sugar stuff in the house. Basically, these surgeries are tools, and you just have to not give into old habits. Use us to help keep you on track and do it for yourself. What about exercise? What about staying away from the white stuff?
we're here to cheer you on!
Remember, nothing tastes as good as THIN feels!!
I stay low carb and got rid of all the white stuff a long time ago. Really the only carbs I eat
are a little bit of fruit. Have to have that to get some sort of fiber in my diet.
I am good on the exercise. I go to the gym 6 days a week. I am trying not to even do
sugar free because I think that I need to get rid of my sweet cravings. Maybe my body
doesn't know the difference between sugar and sugar free. It wants sweets. A lot of
the sugar free stuff has just as many calories.
I really actually wish those of us that have the lap band dumped too. If sugar made me
sick, it would be a lot easier to forget it for good.