Bad Labs need help
My doc thinks that since my ferritin is at 16.0 that I am within normal ranges! Because by military standards normal is 15-150. How about that!??? I can't even remember what it feels like to not be dizzy. My ferritin was at 5.1 three months ago...I chewed 325mg of Tender Iron with VitC as ascorbic acid and swallowed a copper capsule (along with a slew of other vitamins daily) for two months and got my ferritin up to 16. (As of May 2) Retest in a month. All my blood counts raised into normal ranges too. My B-12 was at 1127 when we found out I was Iron deficient anemic! So my anemia was Iron Deficieny. I was facing blood transfusions because many of my blood counts were low...and I still have some funky weird blood cells...but I really did amazing on Tender Iron. Do you know what is causing your low iron? Iron or Vitamin deficiency? I would think that raising your B-12 with an injection and taking Tender Iron, you'd be better off than iron infusions! I dreaded them...I was soooo determined NOT to go that route, I would have chewed up rusty nails rather than get infusions. Well...good luck with all that! Let us know what happens...