Joined WW online to lose 10...
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
I tried doing WW online several times before I had RNY. Since then I've found, and honestly the only difference I can tell between WW and sparkpeople is that sparkpeople doesn't always give the WW points on their recipes (sometimes they do). And sparkpeople is free. Instead of counting points, it calculates your calories, carbs, protein and fat, and you even get a little pie chart showing where all your calories are going. I've found lots of good recipes on there too. I'm thinking of starting a new diet myself, since I'm not too thrilled with my present weight. I looked into the thrive diet that's all the rage at my doctor's office, but it looks really hard to follow. Something about "whole foods" only, and lots of raw vegetables. I'm planning to buy that book by Dr. Oz (the guy that comes on TV), I think it's called "Your Owner's Manual" or something like that. Good luck with your efforts. I'm sure it will help your DH a lot having you do it with him.