Joined WW online to lose 10...

Carolyn L.
on 6/2/08 6:46 am - Northborough, MA
I joined WW online for a dual purpose.  First, my husband joined to lose 30 (or more) lbs and I wanted to support him.  Second, after maintaining my weight for a year, a short period of low thyriod made me gain 12 lbs in a month YIKES!!!  My meds have been adjusted and the weight gain stopped, but despite increased exercise and paying more attention to my eating, only 2 lbs came off in the past month.   Has anyone else had luck with WW?  And how did you adjust the plan to account for our extra protein needs? 245(high) / 232(sugery) /140 (current) /130-135 (goal) /125 (lowest)
243 /222      /135    /135 /125  

Tracy B
on 6/2/08 8:51 pm - Erie, PA
Hey Carolyn! Sorry to hear about the low thyroid problem, but I'm glad they got your meds adjusted quickly! I haven't tried WW, but I know alot of people around  here have so I'm sure you'll get some good advice! Just wanted to say hello and lend my support. I know you'll be able to shed those 10lbs!!!! Good Luck and keep me posted on how things are going!!!!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

Carolyn L.
on 6/2/08 9:52 pm - Northborough, MA
Thanks Tracy!  That thyroid is a *****!  It's one of the biggest reasons I put on so much weight in the first place.  Every time the levels would get off I'd gain 10 to 20 lbs and getting the meds adjusted just stops the weight gain, doesn't do a thing to take it off!  That's why the few pounds freaked me out so much.
243 /222      /135    /135 /125  

.Anita R.
on 6/3/08 2:08 am - Stafford, VA
I had thyroid trouble too...(before and slightly after surgery for a few years)  That's when I would gain outrageous amounts while working my butt off and eating right. It was so depressing.  I would fall asleep standing up!!!! I had NO energy.  So I can relate....especially now that you've gotten your weight off and to not be able to control your metabolism has to be frightening.  I'm not one that will ever go on any diet ever again that isn't based on the pouch rules....but if ww works for you...then that would be fantastic!!!!!! And I wish you all the luck with it! Sometimes, it's the quantitiy of food...sometimes it's the carbs...You know what you have to let us know either way how it works...because I never put anything in stone...even when I say "i will never"...LOL I'm a woman and it's my right to change my mind! LOL Seriously, though, have you just tried to go back to basics?  Or you just want to see if maybe there really is another way?  I haven't tried anything other than going back to basics and cutting back calories and adding more exercise whenever I gained some weight. But then again...I never got below 158 lbs either.  Once I lost 158lbs...that was absolutely it.  Nothing I did took off any more.  I find it easy to gain and easy to maintain...but losing is just an evasive little sneaky devil.
Diona A.
on 6/3/08 2:00 pm - Miles City, MT
What did they give you for your thyroid? Just curious. I'm on armour thyroid but still find it hard to loose the weight I gained last year. Thanks, Diona
Diona Austill
Miles City, MT
Carolyn L.
on 6/3/08 9:36 pm - Northborough, MA
I'm on thyroxine
243 /222      /135    /135 /125  

(deactivated member)
on 6/3/08 5:55 am

I tried doing WW online several times before I had RNY. Since then I've found, and honestly the only difference I can tell between WW and sparkpeople is that sparkpeople doesn't always give the WW points on their recipes (sometimes they do). And sparkpeople is free. Instead of counting points, it calculates your calories, carbs, protein and fat, and you even get a little pie chart showing where all your calories are going. I've found lots of good recipes on there too. I'm thinking of starting a new diet myself, since I'm not too thrilled with my present weight. I looked into the thrive diet that's all the rage at my doctor's office, but it looks really hard to follow. Something about "whole foods" only, and lots of raw vegetables. I'm planning to buy that book by Dr. Oz (the guy that comes on TV), I think it's called "Your Owner's Manual" or something like that. Good luck with your efforts. I'm sure it will help your DH a lot having you do it with him.

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