Low Iodine Diet
I am currently going through the Low Iodine Diet and I can say it has been a hastle, probably the hardest thing I have ever done!! I can't seem to stick to the diet. This is my 3rd week and my TSH levels are still too low!!! I have been trying my best to keep the diet, all my meats come straight from the butcher, my fridge is loaded with fruits and vegitables... I'm sick of this diet, I'm tired of all the bland foods. Yesterday I went out to a birthday party and slipped an had a spring roll and two chicken fingers, although it wasn't much I feel like I ruined my diet. I just want to get this radiation done with. I had a question for you...How many times will you have to do this diet before it's all over? Donna, you are not the only one going through this, try your hardest to stick to it, I know I am. Although I have failed proabbly 3 times already I get right back on it and try my hardest for the next time. There is one thing to remeber, this is a low iodine diet not a no iodine diet, thats something to keep in mind. Ok, si I had my blood taken again today and if my levels are high enough, I'll be ready for radiation!! Pray for me!!