Accountability = what did you eat Sunday?
Well, the weekend is over. I had a great weekend. We bought a new laptop for our son who pledges that his grades are a C average. Now some might not reward C average grades, like my father...I would have been kicked around for C Average grades..But this kid is not the studious type and a C for him and actually enjoying his classes...that's a big deal. So yup. he got a laptop. Of course, I tested it out. Nice. And we're going to get to use it on vacation too...So it's a family laptop but his reward for a job welldone.
Breakfast: oatmeal, tvp, soy milk and coffee Snack: 1 oz cheese stick lunch: 1 beef taco with cheese, lettuce and tomatoe Snack: So Be protein drink, left over taco salad from the day before Dinner: KFC chicken thigh, KFC mashed potatoes and gravy, KFC cole slaw. Dessert: 1/6 SF Angelfood cake, 2T SF Smuckers Caramel Sauce, 1 package of applesauce NSA Totals for the day: Calories: 1950 Fat: 88 Carbs: 173 Protein: 122 The angelfood cake deal came from a suggestion from another board...SF got me this time and gave me a tummy ache for a half hour...I'm sipping Decaf and cocoa right now to settle my tummy before bed. How did everyone else do today?
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
I'm a schedule freak myself. When I have something planned, I feel like it's a communist plot when someone or something makes it so that I can't attend...Like things coming up on Sunday just when we're suppose to go to church...And things coming up on the support group days. Something is invariably coming up when I have something that I want to do for myself... Hey, all exercise counts..swinging counts. LOL. I look at it this way. Is it more exercise than watching television? If the answer is yes, it counts. You did good. How are those clif bars. I see those at my pharmacy (walmart)
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
hi missus,
here is what i had. i am tring to eat right. sometimes its hard on a budget.. grrr... carbs, carbs they are everywhere... grr... anita
B -Quacker lower sugar peaches & cream oatmeal ( 1 serving ) 130 3 24 4 cytosport muscle milkstrawberry milkshake ( 1 serving ) 300 12 16 32 Water ( 1 cup ) 0 0 0 0
L- chef's cupboard vegetable soup with beef stock ( 1 serving ) 80 1 14 3 Crackers, saltine ( 2 square cracker ) 26 1 4 1 weis white bread ( 1 serving ) 60 1 10 2 kraft singles white american cheese ( 1 serving ) 60 5 2 4 Orange, raw ( 1 medium (2-5/8" dia) ) 62 0 15 1
S- before work- weis icelandic haddock loin ( 1 serving ) 100 1 0 21 Gelatin dessert, dietetic, sweetened with low calorie sweetener ( 1 cup ) 18 0 2 3 D- Spaghetti sauce with beef or meat other than lamb or mutton, homemade-style ( 0.5 cup ) 144 8 11 8 Spaghetti, cooked, fat not added in cooking ( 0.33 cup, cooked ) 65 0 13 2 parm. cheese ( 1 tablespoon ) 25 2 0 2
S -Gelatin dessert, dietetic, sweetened with low calorie sweetener ( 1 cup ) 18 0 2 3 Banana, raw ( 1 small (6" to 6-7/8" long) ) 93 0 24 1
Total calories 1180 fat 34 carbs 136 protein 87
16 oz. coffee 16 oz. hot tea 32 oz. water
You're right...high carbs..I can suggest that you add something like Textured Vegetable Protein or Textured Soy Protein to the oatmeal in the morning. I'm not sure if you have a mexican market around there but they have it at those by the dried chilies and the dried corn husks (for tamales)...And it's not too expensive either. a big bag of it lasts me about a month (and I use 2 scoops each morning in my oatmeal) for about $2.19 around here. Of course, California is basically Northern Mexico...but you can also find it in the health food stores. It's more expensive there but it will show you what you are looking for. It gives a nutty taste to all sorts of things and you can toast it with cinnamon or with garlic salt...Either way, sprinkled on just about everything it adds 12 grams of protein per serving.
Spaghetti is a hard one. I usually don't do much of that but what can you do with the sauce?
All in all, I think you did good on Sunday. Keep up the good work and keep chipping away at it.
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Do you make that latte cold? I'm just wondering cuz I know when the temps approach that 100 mark this summer, my hot oatmeal is NOT going to be appealing..I also switched to bison burgers about 1/3 the time...Lots more protein and a whole lot less fat. They even have 1/3 lb bison burgers at Walmart...Yumo! Yeah, my son isn't as into myspace as I am..I'm always logged into myspace..LOVE doing surveys that people send me..I'm just weird that way. Plus with the family reunion coming up, I can share my family photos with the reunion committee pretty quickly by letting them see them on myspace.. Yup, I'm a computer nerd. Duh. Even with the extra carbs, your protein number really was up there, compared to the calories and fat...Looks good! See ya.
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130