7 years post op and struggling
I am a nearly 7 year (Aug 2001) Roux-N-Y patient--and I have gained about 45 lbs in the last year--from a total weight loss of nearly 150 lbs! To say I am freaked out is an understatement. I now weigh about 215--ick,ick, ick. I have not one regret for having the surgery but the last 7 years have been hard--colon cancer, hysterectomy and am I facing new surgery for primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism. I really want to get these pounds off of me. I have moved and am no longer in contact with my bariatric MD or surgeon. I live on the peninsula of the SF Bay area and am looking for --well a lot. Any one out there looking for a walking or jogging buddy (I live in San Carlos and work in Cupertino--so am open to many places to work out) I really would love to exercise with someone who 'has been there'. Anyone know a good therapist who knows WLS to talk with? Finally, where do I begin to get back on track? I am open to advice. What was once so easy seems quite daunting to me today. Thank you, in advance, for your kind words and support.
(previously posted on general message board.)
Well, this is a good place to start..We have some who are doing the 5 day pouch test to get back on track and see if the pouch still "works" like the tool did when we first had the surgery. You can do a search on that.
Locally, you'll have to look for a bariatric surgeon that can point you in the right direction for support group and workout buddies. There has to be something for you locally.
Here, we have daily accountability where everyone journals their intake (on sparkpeople or fitday or similar sites/software) and then we do our weigh ins on Friday. Carla W started it and does a great job but some of the rest of us step up when we can and she is busy...She's very busy now that she's running her own business. So we (I) step in or someone else does.
Welcome to the group! We're here to support and encourage...It really has helped me and I really love seeing everyone's successes...
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
i had rny on july 30 2001
went from 233 to 133 in about 1 yr
slowly started gaining....11 weeks ago i weighed in at 170,.......i went to the gym got a trainer and started eating right....
today I weigh 150 and have lost about 18 inches,
you can do this. i have a thyroid problem and also had plastic surgery last year. i started drinking cokes, stopped eating right, drank with my meals, stopped working out, ate poorly. my caloric intake was about 700-900 and my metabolism shut down.
set your mind to it and do it. if I can get back on track anyone can
good luck
5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(
Thanks for the kind words and sage advice:-) I start on the 5 day test tomorrow-wish me luck! I walked tonight--yippee! I have some work to do but it feels like good work right now. I will keep posting as a way of keeping myself honest. Btw, where does one get the cool, graphic weight scale some have at the bottom of their posting. Thank you all for the care and support! Mary
i'm seeing your post now for the first time almost two weeks later- and wondering how you are doing ! i have regained and it was stress caused-and laziness on my part!
is your thyroid problem causing the gain???
i don't have ins but need to get my labs done and am thinking my thyroid has gone whonkers...
anyhow-hoping you are having positve results and -oh-the "ticker"--weight scale-- is from tickerfactory.com
anyhow-wishing you well !
Start attending the support group meetings at Mills Penninsula hospital in Burlingame. The coordinator is great. Also, Donna Dekay is a great nutrionist through their program that I would recommend as well.
I just recently moved to Sacramento from Daly City and miss the group :(
They meet the first Saturday of each month.
Highest 6/98: 289 1st consult 9/07: 260 5'11"
WLS 1/7/08: 234 Lowest 8/08: 164.5
Currently pregnant! Due November 27th, 2009!