I think I have a problem, OK I know I do, deep post

on 5/29/08 9:00 am
RNY on 06/02/08 with
You know..If I remember correctly I was told to stay away from anything that had to much fiber. Our new pouches cant handle it..and our intestins back up. which your doin now.  Milk of Magnezium..(spell checker..LOL) Keep your head up and dont stress it to much. Find other avenues to replace the booze. Its not good for your pouch anyways.  Besides...stupid question. Now that you have a smaller pouch do you get drunk quicker? I've also been reading that sometimes people find other avenues to replace food with booze. Im not saying thats the case with you cause I dont know you.   I would find a good support group in your area that you can go to. Sit back and listen or participate in it. I found it helpful to answer some of my questions before my surgery. And its awesome to feel your not alone. Mind you im not in your shoes just yet but, very soon  Good luck to you honey, and I hope you make the right choices for yourself.  Rox
on 5/29/08 10:27 am - colchester, CT

Melissa, you have received alot of good advice. I hope that you can reach inside yourself and get the strength to stop with the alcohol and start with some healthy eating. It does sound like you have been substituting alcohol for food which as we all know is not good for us. Remember also any fad type diet plan may help you lose a small amount of weight, temporarily, but is not something that will work for long term weightloss. If that was the case all of us who have tried so many diets in the past would all stay thin and not regain our weight.

I hope you can get the help you need and deserve, that way you can get back on track and stay healthy. You are so worth it.

Please let us know how you are doing.



(deactivated member)
on 5/29/08 11:11 am
Melissa, I've read your post about 15 times today. I don't have a bit of advice but I want you to know that I care about you and I want you to take care of yourself. I think admitting you have a problem could be the most important thing.
on 5/29/08 4:59 pm - Effingham, IL
Melissa,  you probably haven't read anything in the answers here that  you don't already know, right?  I am not saying this in a smart-a$$ way, but . . . you need a different therapist.  You're in trouble;  you know this.  You need a professional who will help you deal with feeling "very lost, confused, helpless, and scared."   The menus are bizarre and dangerous.   You don't have to live like this; you are in a worse bondage than you were before surgery.  Please, please get some  help.  I hope you don't feel like you're being attacked; I think everyone here is very concerned for you, and I hope  you will keep coming to OH and let us know how you are doing.






on 5/29/08 9:56 pm
Melissa, I'm not sure what to say to you.  YOU know what you are doing is unhealthy.  I went to bed worried about you and this morning you are on my mind again.  Please sweetie, find the help you need before it's to late. Sending up prayers for you right now.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



Lori J.
on 5/30/08 2:00 am - Minneapolis, MN
All I can say is that "meal plan" isn't a meal plan it's a starvation plan.  I didn't have surgery to end up starving to death.  And that's where this road could lead you to. Time to get some help before you end up in a really dark place.  Literally. Good luck and coming here with this was a good start.

Lori J.

It's better to be imperfectly happy than perfectly unhappy. 

Margo M.
on 5/31/08 10:27 am - Elyria, OH
melissa...i only come to this board occasionally so i may seem to you like i shouldn't comment-i am 4 years out and i am far from perfect..what i am going to say i am saying with caring... have you had your labs done? bloodwork, i mean? have you had a bone density check?  i'm thinking the 1973 is your birth year? so i am old enough to be your mother and i guess i am really conscious of what we go thru as childbearing women and later in life how  we decline--you are young enough to still keep your body healthy as it ages...it probly matters not right now but it will someday and we don't get do-overs in that respect! the above menu ideas will not sustain your life-you will kill yourself if you do not get protein into your body-everyday....your body eats muscle--i am sure you have heard this before? and your heart is a muscle.... i drink sometimes- i enjoy it. however; i know that i cannot live on alcohol....the immediate rush is only that immediate-and then-boom- gone- whether you get pouffy eyed or a headache or whatever- it doesn't last.also-alcohol messes with your hair and with your skin....your liver...oh boy-i watched my baby sister die from liver problems-not pretty at all! and what happens when you advance to more......like lotsof drinking?????? and i won't even comment on pro ana cuz i really think you are crying for help. and then-ouch-i cannot believe that i am gonna do this one---  there is your daughter....she looks to be a beautiful young lady--and she needs her mommy--AND she  is so impressionable--she will want to be like you- she will want to act like you...oh my.....not  a good thing to show her that it is ok to live on alcohol and no food.....oh wait--how would you feel about her embracing ana?---or the other side of this --sh emay grow to hate you ...be embarassed by you  -not wnat her friends to see you.....don't lose your daughter.... ok-that was nasty of me to do--but it's the gramma in me..... melissa...please get help..real help--someone who can sit with you and help you plan meals...someone who will listen to you...and guide you...i did read your profile- which-is lacking info-your choice--but i saw your feelings about your suregons' office and their lack of care...find someone who can help you! again-this is meant with caring...i'm sending hugs and prayers cuz those are all i have to share.
on 5/31/08 10:00 pm - MS
If you keep that plan up you will get severe nutritional deficiencies. Please do what you know you should.
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