Just a pic...and a question...

Just Valena
on 5/28/08 12:01 am, edited 5/28/08 12:14 am - Nunyabizness
I realized unlike many of you, I have not really taken any pics of myself as of late to get a good idea of the progress I have made. Photos are helpful when those horrible little voices in your head are telling you you're still the fattie you feel like in your head some days. I just had my 4 yr anniversary on the 3rd of this month. I finally had my hubby take one decent shot of me this weekend. Also I have been meaning to copy my labs so ya'll can get  a gander and give me your opinion...but for the second day in a row I have managed to forget and leave them at home. The nurse had called to tell me everything was 'good', and I had her mail copies to me. True enough, everything seems to fall within 'normal' ranges...but the one lab I had that was denoted as high was my BUN. I know this is related to kidney function (at least I think so). Any thoughts as to what, if anything, that could mean? I do plan to call the nurse back and ask, but you guys are quicker to respond. Thanks! Valena




on 5/29/08 10:58 am - colchester, CT

Happy anniversary!  You look great and you lucky lady don't have any loose, flabby skin.


.Anita R.
on 5/29/08 2:18 pm - Stafford, VA
You look fabulous!  You are such a pretty lady...(you were gorgeous heavy too!)    Hopefully the high BUN just means you need to drink more water because of high protein diet...and keep your kidneys flushed out and working less to process all that protein we eat.  Otherwise...I really don't know what it means...Any news yet??? Good luck and you look perfect! 
Just Valena
on 5/30/08 12:23 am - Nunyabizness
Thank you. And no, not yet. Work has been busier than normal, I'm going to try to catch her this AM. Dehydration MAY be all it is. Normally I get in 90-100oz of water today, but I go through phases where I slack, and I do believe during this time frame I was. I am just now trying to get it back up. I need to post my labs...




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