Gained 5 lbs in one week
I'm hoping it's not a real actual weight gain that will stick, I can't imagine that I could have possibly eaten enough to gain 5 lbs., I haven't really eaten anything different lately. It's not my TOM either.
My stomach is actually ultra bloated right now and distended and sticking out, I've never seen it look like this, it looks like I'm 6 months pregnant and before the sudden weight gain it was pretty flat.
I'm having major gas as well, huge amounts of air are just leaving me nonstop and as much as I hate to share this my #2's have been very painful with cramping for the last few days.
What the heck did I do to myself? Has this happened to anyone else?
Here's to hoping nothing is actually wrong and maybe it's water weight from something. Pretty bizarre though.
339 / 151 / 155? day of surgery / current weight / goal weight
190 lbs lost
View my profile to see my weekly stats.
190 lbs lost
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I'm so screwed right now having lost health insurance for a while that's why I end up asking here even though I know these ?'s are best left to the doc, it would be 70$ just to ask not counting the cost for any treatments and I am tight $$$ right now. I don't think it's constipation though because with the pain and cramping on that issue, there is quite a whole lot being let go there, I think I'm actually experiencing some diahreah (spell?).
Thanks for your help, just hoping someone might have had this and have an idea about what it could be or what to do, thanks again.
339 / 151 / 155? day of surgery / current weight / goal weight
190 lbs lost
View my profile to see my weekly stats.
190 lbs lost
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when you are constipated, you can have diarrhea and gas so don't let that fool you. if you are distended, and your abdomen is firm you need to be concerned. How long since you had a good bm? That is important. you can try over the counter fleets enema, milk of magnesia 30cc pm, 30cc am, and magnesium citrate (chill it) again, over the counter med. Constipation is not something to take lightly.....not to scare you, but if you were my patient, I'd send you to the hospital for a possible small bowel obstruction. Please keep us posted!
Remember, nothing tastes as good as THIN feels!!
Naw! This has happened to me several times, and I totally freaked out! You're fine. You are probably just constipated (Lord knows from eating all the protein that we do, it's bound to happen at some point). Mine has always worked its way out (please pardon the pun), and in a few days, I was in the bathroom constantly; however, once this unpleasant adventure was over, I lost the extra 5 or so lbs, and sometimes then some. Give it a week or so, and if you are still feeling miserable call the Dr. I, too have no insurance and have been unemployed for a while, but have found excellent and free health care through the county. There WILL be someone to take care of you, but you have to do a little digging. Hopefully, though, it won't get to that point. Like I said, mine usually works its way out within a week or so. Hope you feel better soon.
I had this same exact thing a few months ago. I couldn't figure out why I had the horrible cramping. I was still going #2 but not as much. It got so bad hubby took me to the ER after I had posted on the RNY board. After a CT Scan and an MRI, turned out I was horribly constipated. Of course, they sent me home with nothing. LOL The weirdest part was I had three bouts of diarrhea while in the ER! I've been taking Dulcolax each morning. I lost 7 pounds almost over night and I'm back in a happy "rhythm". I had the horrible gas too. I never had gas a lot post-op so I knew something was going on. I hope things get better for you. This is the only part of my post-op life that has sucked. Some days I miss the Chron's Disease I had before. I think that's why I didn't know what the heck constipation was. Gees, I'd have diarrhea for three hours before on just a couple M&Ms. ;-)
Good luck!
Having just read all the replies, and agreeing that it sounds a lot like problems I've had in the past with constipation, I'll add one more idea. Once you've worked everything out (why is it that bathroom puns are SO easy???), think about a steady regimen of OTC stool softeners. After 3-4 constipation bouts, and much pain/bloating/weight gain, I finally realized that I am prone to this problem and that I needed to do something to prevent it from occurring. I take 1 OTC pill every other night before bedtime- keeps me regular. Also, although you probably already know this one, drink LOTS of fluid always. Good Luck!