Ulcer after Gastric Bypass anyone?

on 5/26/08 4:35 pm - WI

Hello, I will be 3 years post op as of Sept of this year. I am on so many different meds and now my Gastric dr. who did the surgery wants to check again to see if i have a ulcer due to me having a lot of pain in that area and loss of app. lately.This is my second endo. the first they saw nothing which i guess is good but not sure why I keep getting sharp pains and sometimes burning. When i talked to him over the weekend because i was having horrible pain on a scale a 9 he said he thinks its a ulcer. Has anyone had a ulcer after gastric bypass? He put me on some liquid medicine for ulcers for now also but i am going in this week for a endo. ANY HELP PLEASE??

J.R. L.
on 5/26/08 11:59 pm
Oh I have been thru this also - pain in pouch every time you eat or drink. Was put on Liquid Carafate and Previcid.  Took along time to get over but I am lucky - I've read other out comes. I still at times have problems with it and will have flare ups - feels like there is something in my throat all the time and I had pain in my upper back with mine.  I had surgery 1 month before you - Good Luck
Farrah W
on 5/27/08 2:57 am - Tallahassee, FL

Yes, I'm 2 1/2 years out and I've had 2 ulcers. What meds are you on? Prilosec should help within a week or so.

Please spay and neuter your pets!
Beam me up Scottie
on 5/27/08 7:43 am
It is very common for RNYers to get marginal ulcers and also blind stomach ulcers.  A marginal ulcer can be seen through an endoscopy...but a blind stomach ulcer (an ulcer in the left over stomach not the pouch) cannot be seen thorugh an endoscopy, but you'd need a catscan to see it or exploratory surgery. Good luck to you, and don't take "no" for an answer, if there is pain there is a reason for the pain.  It may not be an ulcer at all, but from what I've seen on these forums, sometimes you need to be your own advocate, and keep pressing the doctors until the finally find something that is causing it. Scott
Kirsten F.
on 5/27/08 9:43 am - Westminster, CO
Yup. I had a couple of ulcers after surgery. I have been on Nexium, and have been feeling pretty good. I had and endo. No biggie. I feel MUCH better now. Good luck!! (Oh, I'm 4 years out.)
on 5/27/08 1:41 pm - WI
Again i am in such pain. I ate something tonight since tomorrow morning is my endo. My pain is in the upper stomach where the pouch is and in my upper back it shoots there right after i eat. I have been on acixphex(sp) for a while and the dr just put me on carafate yesterday 4 times a day. God the pain is so bad. Everyone says they have seen post before on this on here. I have lost about 10 pounds in about 1.5 weeks. can't eat. but since saturday just in so much pain after i eat on a scale a 9-10 and i am tough on pain. What will they do for my ulcer and if they don't find anything tomorrow what else could it be i just had a liver biopsy last week but i really don't think its that since this has been going on for a long time but really bad since this weekend and after i eat. Please any input really needed. Thanks, HURTING
Tammy N.
on 5/28/08 2:02 am - Groveland, MA
I will be 3 years out this September. I went through the same amount of pain as you starting last summer. I was diagnosed with an ulcer through endoscopy which all they could do was put me on Carafate liquid and Protonix. They did a repeat endoscopy and found that it healed but I still continued with the pain which eventually went away until this past March. I was taken from work 911 because I was doubled over in pain, they thought it was gallstones which I had out in 1996 but can still have stones, or kidney stones. They checked into all of those and everything checked out fine. I still continue with bouts of severe pain  which they can't find what is wrong. I am scheduled to see a local GI doctor not connected with my surgeon for a second opinion which I am nervous because not all doctors understand the gastric bypass fully.  I have found a website forum that others have had the same kind of pain and everything has checked out normal...whether they are looking for the right thing or not is got me. If no ulcer is found keep on the doctors about it...we shouldn't have to go through this much pain.
Alice T.
on 6/5/08 6:40 am - Lee's Summit, MO
How did things turn out for you?  I have a lot of unexplained pain and I think it is probably an ulcer. One of my symptoms is pain that feel slike is is going through my shoulder blades.  I have been on generic prilosec for over a month now.  It is a long sotry but whatever this pain is did not show up in CT a month ago or an exploratoty surgery in Feb.  At this point I figure I am ot going bac****il I am in such severe pain I cnat function or throw up or poop blood.  I know there is something not right... Alice
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