Not losing well !
I am so glad to hear some of you discussing age as a factor in weight loss. They used to warn us that weight is harder to lose the older you get and I never belived it, but now here I am at 55, losing half of what others have lost who had surgery the same day that I did. I have been flamed for not trying hard enough by men who were twenty years younger and at first I took it to heart. Now I have decided I am in a race with no one, and I have the rest of my life to finish losing, so you will see my new motto under my signature.
Glad you took time to read and reply. We're going to have to join forces against these "young uns":)
Oh how I wish I could have done this then. But, I exercised early this morning and feel better all day, rather than waiting till noon. We have to empower ourselves whatever way we can. No one can make me feel like a failure if I don't feel like one myself. There is a reason for everything in life I believe. Thanks again.