is this how a clogged sink feels?
Sure hope you're feeling better now. My reply is regarding protein sources. I'm very lactose intolerant as well, but have found I can tolerate Danon light and fit yogurt. I have not been a yogurt fan because don't care for the "tang" taste, but the light and fit has no tang and I LOVE it. For some reason it really can calm my pouch and gut down when I'm having problems. Only 60 calories a serving and I have never had a dumping issue with it. I love the strawberry with a sliced banana. Another protein source that has worked for me is Designer Protein pwdr. In fact this line makes one especially designed for women called Aria. Here in Indianapolis, I can buy it at our Meijer and it's only 12.95 a can. The Aria is half whey and half soy; comes in vanilla or plain. As said, I'm very lactose intolerant and have not had any problems with this product. I love to make an "Orange Julius" with it. I also use a meriangue ( spelling ?) powder made by Wilton. The same Wilton that makes the cake pans, icing, decorating etc that you can find @ WalMart, etc. This powder has protein and does contain some fructose I believe. I'm very prone to dumping and have not had an issue with it. This product gives your fruit smoothies the frothe or foam that the classic julius has. For my version of an Orange Julius: 1 cup of Orange juice ( half OJ & half pineapple good too), scoop of Aria, 2-3 heaping Tblsp of wilton's merangue pwd, and cup ice cubes in blender. Dang it's good! I keep chunks of pineapple in the freezer to add as "ice." I have pouch flare-ups If I indulge in fast food very often....even very tame fast food. I switch to my yogurt, soup, and smoothies and it usually clears in 2-4 days.......... I have had stricture issues in the past and the symptoms you have described are that of a stricture as well. In the event you might need endoscopy and a dilitation.....don't be afraid of the procedure. I've had it several times and it isn't a big deal. If stricture is the issue, you'll get pretty much immediate relief......Well enough from me.....went on a bit long, but hope this helps you in some way. Take care and feel better soon. Tgarr from Indy.