Cottage Cheese Pouch Test??? How reliable?
Hello everyone, I should want to end it all after this cottage cheese test. Last night my best friend told me of this website that shows the laproscopic gastric bypass that she and I both had in 2005. Anyway, after watching it, I got all choked up and tearful and went to bed crying. My lowest weight was 143 and I kinda hovered in between 145-150, which is where my surgeon suggested I be. I had a baby last June and now I am hovering between 165-169. Now, I know that's not terribly bad, but the reason for my post is that I just can't seem to get into that mindset again that I had after surgery. I know what it is I have to do and I just can't snap to it!!! If I keep this up I am afraid I will ruin my whole weight loss tool. I am embarrassed because I eat anything and I am ashamed of myself. I can only imagine those who know saying, how I went through it all only to get fat again!!! Why don't I feel like I am worth the time and effort?? My therapist seems to think it's because I am a stay at home mom and bored with my everyday routine....maybe. She suggested I take classes on line or something.
On to the topic of my post, my friend told me of this cottage cheese test? I was wondering what the results were for anyone else? I will tell you how I did it and then tell you the pathetic results.......from what I are supposed to eat as much cottage cheese as you can in 5 minutes, then whatever is left in the carton, smooth it over and pour as much of a 1 cup of water over it as you can for it to come to the top of the carton. How much water you have left in the measuring cup, is how big your pouch is???
If that's the case.......I AM SCREWED!!!!! The whole 8oz. fit in the container........anyone have any insight???
I appreciate all responses.
I have never tried the cottage cheese test, but I have read about alot of people doing it. They all seem to have different results. I haven't ever heard about the end part of pouring the water over it? Not sure about that~most of what I have read is people premeasuring it out and then seeing how much they can eat quickly. Anyway, its not a "scientific test" so I wouldn't be too upset by the results. If you really want to know specifics you should consult your surgeon to see what they can tell you.
As far as the beginning of your post, I know exactly what you mean about knowing what to do, but just not being able to do it. Its so frustrating!!!!! I also know that they say some bounce back regain is typical after 2yrs, but it sucks when the scale is up. I too worry about what others will say if/when I gain weight~even though that shouldn't really matter. I try to do the best that I can every day~some days I win and some days I lose. I'm glad you're doing therapy~that helped me some. Funny that you said your therapist mentioned about being a sahm b/c that's what my therapist told me too~I have too much time on my hands to sit and worry about gaining weight, what I will eat, what the scale says, etc. Mine also recommended finding a part time job or taking some classes.
Anyway, I understand what your saying and your not alone. I feel this will be a struggle for the rest of my life so I just need to deal with it the best that I can. Good Luck on getting back on the right track again~I know you can do it!!!!!!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
steph, i did it this morning. after the results, i went online and double checked to see if i did it right. turns out i got some wrong info. according to the website, whatever you pour into the container of cheese is how big your pouch supposedly is. so if you have 1/4 cup of water left in the measuring cup, then you poured a 1/2 cup into the cottage cheese container, and that's supposedly the size of the pouch. oh, and don't smooth over whats in the container. if i were you, i'd try it again tomorrow....before coffee. i think you'll get different results. talk to you later.