I'm Around Again
I would never flame anyone for wanting to look good!! OMG! Don't we all, no matter what age! I am 29 and don't feel it, so I'm sure when I'm 59 I won't feel that either. AND THAT IS GOOD! LIfe is too short to be living it feeling OLD and worn out! lol
I work in a nursing home and believe me, some of my 90 yr old residents say they still feel 20 inside. I tell them to "work it"... lol
You have every right to want to be and look thin and healthy and good!
I hope you guys can figure out what's going on and get to your final goals! I hope I can too!
Visit my blog: http://workingongfreedom.blogspot.com/
I'm on youtube! http://youtube.com/user/workingonfreedom