Please help me with a few questions
Hi Melissa!
I found my surgeon at my local hospital. The next closest was a few hours away so I went to a consult that included about 5 people~got to meet with the doctor and the staff, ask questions, talk to him one on one, etc. I was looking for someone caring and compassionate that had performed this surgery many times before me with a high track record and high level of weightloss success. I also attended support group meetings to see how former/present patients spoke of the dr. I did alot of research online~here at OH, the Center for Excellence, etc. I researched the actual surgery as well~soaking up anything and everything I could find on the procedure. I was never in the position of seeing a flyer or anything like that~mostly what I've seen now are tv commercials for the dr's/hospital in the area doing wls. No matter how I found out about a particular dr~a flyer, recommendation, tv ad, etc~I would have done the same amount of research prior to making my final decision.
Hope this helps!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
I had gone for a conference about my diabetes with an endocrinologist. When i explained that I wanted to do the wls, she gave me two names and I just chose the closest one (Dr Vierra, in Monterey).
After I got her recommendation, I went to his informational seminar, signed up, and the rest is history.
Good luck!
I had two friends who had the surgery and did wonderfully so I went to the same seminar on WLS they did. I couldn't qualify because I didn't have two co-morbidities. My PCP had wanted me tested for diabetes for some time but I wouldn't do the test. When i took the test, I was diabetic. My PCP recommended the same doctor's office. When we went to see the surgeon, my husband met Dr Pehrsson and signed on with the whole project. My husband is a good judge of character, I trust him and my PCP but Dr Pehrsson is also on this board.
I asked him lots of questions. I asked my PCP lots of questions and did my research here.
I don't think I would call a number on a flyer, myself. But I trust my PCP and she knows me well so I would go with her recommendation, and I did.
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
hi, i am just in the beginning stages of going for gastric bypass surgery. I did my psych consult and medical consult and now have many appointments before i meet with my surgeon Dr. scott shikora in boston, ma. I got two names from my endocrinologist and called both. I also called my insurance company and they told me who which doctors or hospitals were on the list of excellence that they would pay for. From there I called made an appointment and brought in my notebook with many many questions. They are very nice and are use to answering alot of questions. They go over different types of bypass and the risks as well as the benefits. I was worried but i have done so much research. This site has alot of great information, Just type in gastric bypass and many sites come up. You can browse for the info you want and even watch a bypass surgery to see what is actually happening. The more you know the easier the decisions are and the more confidence you have in your decision. Good Luck.
(deactivated member)
on 5/12/08 1:45 am
on 5/12/08 1:45 am
1.) How did you find your surgeon?
My long time, trusted GP recommended the surgeon to me.
2.) What made you choose your surgeon? Same as above.
3.) If you saw a flyer at a store, post office, restaurants would you have called that number? Probably not. It took 18 months for me to decide the surgery was for me after my GP began to talk to me about the possibility.
4.) Where did you do your research on your surgeon at? Truthfully......I didn't research my surgeon for WLS. I never considered anyone else. My GP, who took care of me like she took care of herself, encouraged me to the surgery, the type of surgery and the surgeon. She was absolutely right. It was a major improvement to my health and wellbeing. I thank her daily for her encouragment to make the choice. Vicky
2.) What made you choose your surgeon? Same as above.
3.) If you saw a flyer at a store, post office, restaurants would you have called that number? Probably not. It took 18 months for me to decide the surgery was for me after my GP began to talk to me about the possibility.
4.) Where did you do your research on your surgeon at? Truthfully......I didn't research my surgeon for WLS. I never considered anyone else. My GP, who took care of me like she took care of herself, encouraged me to the surgery, the type of surgery and the surgeon. She was absolutely right. It was a major improvement to my health and wellbeing. I thank her daily for her encouragment to make the choice. Vicky
1. Found my surgeon by talking to everyone I could & asked around. Then I look specifically for his patients on Obesity help .com.
2. he was errogant enough that he made me believe he wouldnt do my surgery if he thought he might "lose" me and put a bad mark on his record....sounds weird but its the truth,
3. probably not. I tend to like to talk to patients of the docs I choose
4. & talks with his patients. also the medical board, Better business bureau & Friend whom are in the mediacl field.
The first time i inquired about WLS was before i even got diagnosed with Diabetes and that first surgeon was on oahu (i live on maui) and his name was Dr. lapschief (dont know how u spell it)...and when i sounded too expensive for me to be flying back and forth for consultations and things like that so i didnt look at it very far...i have HMSA and i wasnt gonna change to Kaiser just to have the now its 4 years ahead and i find out i have diabetes and so my CDE referred me to Bariatric where i found my surgeon (Dr. Cirangle )and it was good because he flies to maui every other month or now i have had my consult and am waiting for my approval..i have researched my surgeon and so far so goood...nothing im hoping for the best right now..
Post Date: 5/11/08 9:03 am
1.) How did you find your surgeon? I heard of him through several local people in my small town who had gone to him. His practice is a couple hrs. away. My PCP gave me his name and another surgeon's name, who, as it turned out, had trained under him.
2.) What made you choose your surgeon?
See above.
3.) If you saw a flyer at a store, post office, restaurants would you have called that number?
After I'd already heard about my surgeon, no, I wouldn't have checked out a flyer. If I'd been starting from scratch, I might have called a number.
4.) Where did you do your research on your surgeon at? I didn't do any "research" about him per se, but I did go to a few support group meetings in my home town. Several people there had used Dr. Rohrscheib, so I got a lot of info about him from them.
Thank you for taking the time to answer and reading my questions.
1.) How did you find your surgeon? I heard of him through several local people in my small town who had gone to him. His practice is a couple hrs. away. My PCP gave me his name and another surgeon's name, who, as it turned out, had trained under him.
2.) What made you choose your surgeon?
See above.
3.) If you saw a flyer at a store, post office, restaurants would you have called that number?
After I'd already heard about my surgeon, no, I wouldn't have checked out a flyer. If I'd been starting from scratch, I might have called a number.
4.) Where did you do your research on your surgeon at? I didn't do any "research" about him per se, but I did go to a few support group meetings in my home town. Several people there had used Dr. Rohrscheib, so I got a lot of info about him from them.
Thank you for taking the time to answer and reading my questions.