What a busy day. Last day for my friend at work. They had a lucious looking carrot cake. I have to say that saying no to that isn't very hard when you know you'd be making sacrifices to the Porcelain Bowl God later..
Then, horrors of horrors, I'd already set up my daughter to come and take family photos of us after work. My step mom even called to complain that she doesn't have a photo of my son since the 4th grade (he's a senior next year). So I had to listen to that shutter click, all the while wishing I could hide from it.
Breakfast: Oat meal, TVP, soy milk coffee
Snack: 1 oz cheese stick, 1 medium tangerine
Lunch: 4 oz immitation crab meat (I meant to bring 8 oz but left the other bag at home) 1 cup of green beans
I meant to keep the sugar alcohols and carbs to a minimum today because I was going to the chiro and to have gas there would embarrass the heck out of me..
Snack: 1 SoBe Living drink, Protein Bar (20 g protein) (after the chiro)
Dinner: 2 chicken tacos. 6 oz of chicken 2 tortillas and 1 oz of cheese.
(I stopped by Vallarta Market to get Carne Asada Beef for us all but the chicken looked so good I got a pound of that but my lovely Beagle decided it was hers so, while it was on the counter and I was in the den, she ate half of it...BAD DOG! She had the good graces to look totally ashamed AND I made her stay outside till it was past dark.)
Dessert was two pieces of Sugar Free chocolate that I got at Charle Browns..I've been estimating it's nutritional value cuz it's not listed...Now it's gone. I'll miss it but not fudging on the calories.
Calories 1539
Fat 48
Carbs 144
Protein 144
Another low day for me. Used to be when I was down, I bet that my calories would top out at 3000-4000. Now when I'm depressed or troubled they drop to the floor...
In other news, I've decided to get my hair cut. It's been 10 years and it's thin and limp...Time to do something drastic with myself. When I get it done, I'll bring pictures.
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130