Late night Snack Patrol for Thursday
ACK! It's 10:30 and I want to eat something. Not hungry but something sweet sounds really good. Don't have anything in the house that I would allow myself to eat so that is good. But it's the wanting to eat that is bothersome. Oh well - I know I can do this! I know I can!
Having my husband work at nights now is making it hard on me when I make his lunch at 10:30. I will admit I ate a couple bites of corn when I put them in the tupperware. Man did it taste good. I think I'm going to have to start making his lunches earlier so I'm not tempted at 10 pm to eat something. It is definately something that needs to be worked on this eating when I'm not truly hungry thing. I have to get over it for success over the long haul! Chug along - it's all I can do right?! Right!
Every day in every way I am getting better!

Ive determined to fight this late night monster too.
Tonight, I had a couple sugar free popsicles, and then a hot cup of decaf tea with splenda. Hit the spot! And then I had a bottle of water with Crystal light. This is the third day of fighting it, and Im winning!

"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

HOLY CRAP!!! Tornado warnings and wicked thunderstorms started about 10:15 last night (continued to 3 am)...I wasn't even thinking food...I unplugged all my expensive stuff from the walls...and stood at the front door watching the lighting show. for a good hour....and went to bed early with no food...I don't even think I got half my colories or protein! Still gotta figure that up! Tornado and severe TS warnings are appetite suppressants in case anyone wanted to know! LOL...Worked better than guilt!
6 miles away people have no second stories on their homes...Boy was I lucky! YIPES!