What's up with all this gas???

on 5/7/08 12:23 pm - Steelville, MO
I have had gas in the past but this is uncontrolable.  I can't go anywhere for fear of embarassing myself.  I can't hold it in and not only is it loud and smelly but it is constent.  Sorry to be so blunt but it is a real problem and I need some advise.

on 5/7/08 12:42 pm - Munster, IN
Me too
on 5/7/08 1:11 pm - Oriskany Falls, NY
Hello, I too suffer this passing gas at the wrong times and talk about smell well it's really gotten to the point that my sex life has suffered because of it. I think and just think it's the bread I eat and sometimes the sugar. So I am very careful how much I consume. Keep a log on what you eat and see if that does'nt help. God Bless Karen
on 5/7/08 1:25 pm - Steelville, MO
Thanks Karen, I did wander if it was the food that I eat.  I have been researching it and it maybe the sugarfree stuff that I eat.  I may try to stop that for awhile and see if it helps.

on 5/8/08 1:11 am - Oriskany Falls, NY
On May 7, 2008 at 8:25 PM Pacific Time, sharlenew wrote:
Thanks Karen, I did wander if it was the food that I eat.  I have been researching it and it maybe the sugarfree stuff that I eat.  I may try to stop that for awhile and see if it helps.
Dear Sharlen: I only have one item, hard candy that is sugarfree that I consume so I know for me it's not that. My FNP asked me about that too. If you ever find out the culprite please let me know. Would like to keep in contact. Please write any time. God Bless Karen
Mary Lou B.
on 5/7/08 1:35 pm - St. Thomas Ontario, Canada
Really watch your sugar alcohol intake--it's a killer for me and it doesn't take very much at all.  A few sugar-free jelly beans and my hubby is on the couch for the night!

Mary Lou 
  6 awesome post-op years & NO regrets!
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!"

Tracy B
on 5/7/08 8:24 pm - Erie, PA
I go thru times of this too and have found that its definitely linked to the types of foods that I'm eating. Sugar free stuff (sugar alcohols) will bring it on quickly!!!! Too many carbs and/or regular sugar will bring it on usually in the evening. High fiber brings it on pretty quick too, but I need the fiber to fight off the constipation so I eat my Fiber one cereal at night before I go to bed and there hasn't been any problems for me in the am. Fresh veggies give me the most potent gas~its terrible! I'm not a huge veggie fan anyway, so most of the time I take a pass on those. So, if I stick with high protein I'm fine, LOL! I did order some Devrom, but have yet to try it. I know people swear by it though so I need to pull out the bottle and see what happens!!! Good Luck to You!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

on 5/7/08 9:19 pm
Sharlene, I deal with it to, more so than earlier out and I KNOW for me it's my eating, when I eat vegetables and protein rarely do I have a problem.  To many carbs, sugar, sugar alcohol and it can be deadly.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



Tami H.
on 5/7/08 11:10 pm - Winter Park, FL
I have this too...but its so darn funny to be talking about!!! The worst is the suprise farts in public...soooo embarassing!! Or you bend over.....not nice! I've gotten to the point that I just ignore it, so people won't think its me! AHHHH, what else c an you do? The things we have to deal with to be thin and healthy!! toot-toot!!!!
blessings, Tami Remember, nothing tastes as good as THIN feels!! http://www.marykay.com/tami
(deactivated member)
on 5/7/08 11:21 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
I have bad gas when I eat too many carbs.  I think it has to do with the fact that carbs are now processed further down our gastrointestial tract, and the type of bacteria that are digesting them create more pungent gas than when the carbs were digested in the part of our intestinal tract that is now bypassed.  I do notice that I have significantly less gas and that it's less odiferous when I eat less carbs, but sometimes that's hard to do.  (It happens even when I eat good carbs - fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc.)   I ordered some free samples of Devrom, which is supposed to help stop the odor, although it will not stop the gas.  I'm waiting for the samples to arrive, so don't know if they will work for me, but I'm hopeful.  I haven't tried Beano, which hypothetically stops gas from forming, but I think I'm going to try that as well - anything to solve this problem!!! Kellie
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